Chapter 32- The Almost Kiss

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Marinette's POV

"Mari, the pants are too high." Luka says, eyeing me down. The wind blows on our faces, biting my cheek. The sounds of planes taking upon off  in the background are distracting. "Hmm?" I say, the noise of planes drowning out his voice. Today was an especially busy day for the airport.

It's been week since he asked me out. It's been nothing but bliss since then. Nearly every day I've gone over to Luka's house to hang out. There we would chat about Jagged Stone and other rock bands, though I never stayed long. Whenever I came over, Juleka and Luka's mom were never there. When I asked, Luka said Juleka always had something on and their mom was working overnight to pay the court bills.

The poem was still there, peaking out from behind Jagged Stone's posters. I never acknowledged it, and neither did Luka. We'd spend the majority of our time on our phones and Luka showing pictures of what I should wear at school.

"You'd look so good in these Mari." Luka says as he shows me a picture of a girl wearing long sweatpants. It practically swallowed her, you couldn't even see a thing except her face.

" would if you gained a few pounds." Luka remarks, running an eye on my body in a way that makes my skin crawl. I smile, nodding. I did agree with his statement.

Lately I've been self-conscious of myself. I would often stay awake at night in front of the mirror. My eyes would examine every bone jutting out, every single crease in my face and the freckles on my cheeks. I'd fixate on them, and repeat the words Luka said when he pointed them out.

Ugly. Ugly. Ugly.

I was ugly. I didn't fit into the beauty standards. No one liked skinny girls. So I started to hide in those clothes Luka bought me, become swallowed in the fabrics. And everyday I would thank him for his words. Because he was always right. What would I do without him?

"I said the pants are too high." Luka repeats. I look down and tug down the fabric lower, suddenly self-conscious. I beam at him over the wind. "Thanks! You're the best!" I say and lean to kiss him on the cheek.

We take a seat on the grass and watch the planes go by, taking off one by one. I lean my head against Luka's shoulder. It's peaceful.

Luka's scrolling on his phone again. I sigh through my nose, why was he always on it nowadays? Luka pushes a picture to my face. It's a model. She has wavy blonde hair and a curvy body.

"She's beautiful." I say, sadness blooming in my chest. Why couldn't I look like that? I pick up a strand of my blue-black hair and study it beneath my fingers. How much would it cost to bleach it?

"Yeah, she is." Luka says and turns away. I look down. Was Luka implying that I wasn't beautiful as her? Luka shifts his shoulders to the other side, making my head drop. Yeah, he was. After all, why could I ever be as good as the other girls?

I reach out and kiss Luka's cheek. I was again reminded of how grateful I was to have him. Who else would point out all my flaws and make sure I would better myself?

I look at my wrist, my red string connected to his. The knot on it is wound up tight, almost stretching the string. Luka is mine. Forever and ever.

I kiss his cheek. "I love you Luka." I say to him. He still hasn't said it back yet. Luka nods and finally looks up from his phone screen. He smiles. "Thanks Mari."

I wait for a few moments, hoping he'll say the words. But he doesn't. I frown, and turn my eyes to look at the plane. I spot a private jet with the butterfly symbol on it.

When it lands there's people swarming to it, holding cameras and microphones. I tilt my head, was someone famous arriving to Paris? I hadn't heard anything from the news.

I turn back to Luka, bored, as I sneakily look at his phone. My eyes widen in surprise. He's looking at pictures of models, all liking their posts. They all have everything I lack: blonde hair, hazel eyes, straights noses and curvy bodies. Tears begin to brim in my eyes, was I the only one who was ugly like this?

I blink away my tears. I knew this was going to happen eventually. I was a pathetic person, an ugly girl who didn't deserve anyone-


I look up, it's Luka. Standing up, he pulls me up too. He reaches out and pushes a strand of hair behind me. "You're the most extraordinary girl Marionette. As clear as a musical note and as sincere as a melody. You're the music that's been playing in my head since the first day we met."

I instantly smile, my sadness forgotten. It's the same words he said to me in his room. "Thanks." I say, my heart fluttering. His eyes pierce mine, so mesmerising that I'm instantly lost in them. My heart begins to beat faster. How was he so handsome?

All of a sudden there's only the two of us. The wind dies down and the sound of the planes fade into nothing. I take a breath. "I love you Luka, since the day I first met you." I say, pouring all my emotion into those words.

His hands reach up to cup my cheek. "I know." He says. My heart beats faster and faster, the noise as loud as thunder. I close my eyes. This is it. He's going to finally kiss me. We're officially going to be soulmates. Forever and ever. I lean in. I savour the smell of his scent of wood and ash snaking up my nose.

He's a whisper away, his hot breath on my cheeks. His lips are inches from claiming mine-


My eyes shoot open. I turn my head to the noise and my heart lodges in my throat.

Standing there, surrounded by paparazzi, is Adrien.

I open my mouth, an excuse, an explanation, anything to erase what he just saw. But there's nothing.

His eyes fill with hurt, a pain so raw that my heart breaks at the sight of it. His eyes shine with betrayal, his mouth open with shock.

"How could you?" He whispers, tears cutting trails on his cheeks. His pain are daggers in my heart. "After everything." His voice breaks as he stares at us.

He turns and runs, his footsteps echoing across the streets. "Adrien, wait! Please let me explain!" I shout, pushing Luka away as I begin to chase him. Why did he have to find out like this? I have to reach him, to explain everything. I can't loose him like this. My feet burn as I watch him turn a corner and disappear.

"Wait! Please!" I shout.

But he's already gone.

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