Chapter 27- Forgiveness

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Marinette's POV

My phone lights up, a message from Adrien.

Adrien: Can we talk it out?

I look at the clock, I was supposed to meet up Luka in fifteen minutes to see him play the guitar. I had never seen him play before and I was eager to see it. Biting my lip, contemplating, I decide that Luka wouldn't mind waiting a few more minutes.

Marinette: Ok

Adrien: I'm sorry for my outburst the other day. There's really no excuse for it.

Marinette: It's ok. I forgive you. But I didn't do anything wrong, well, at least I didn't think I did.

Adrien: I was talking about a metaphor, but I guess you didn't get it. I'm sorry.

I feel his sincerity radiating through the screen. Anxiously looking at the clock, I quickly type my next text.

Marinette: I have a habit of making things worse :)

Adrien: It's ok, I think everyone has that habit. Yours is just more pronounced :)

I smile in relief. This conversation was going well. I type out my next text.

Marinette: About the other fight...

Marinette: I know that you're really protective of me, especially around the things that hurt me, but you do realise that I am capable of knowing right and wrong right?

Adrien: ...

Adrien: I don't think you are

Marinette: Yes I am! I know that Luka has hurt me twice now, but there's nothing wrong with giving people a second chance right?

Adrien: He already used up his second chance. By sticking a knife into you.

Marinette: He was just angry! And he hasn't used up his third chance hasn't he?

Adrien: Yet.

Marinette: I know you're a bit more...pessimistic than others, but if u can't give him a chance then can you at least respect me giving him a chance?

There's a long pause after I send that text. I hold my breath, hoping he'll say yes. I don't want us to fight. I care about him too much to do that. The bubbles appear and I wait.

Adrien: Marinette... you know I'm doing this because I care about you right? I don't want to loose you again. You weren't conscious to see what happened to me in the days you were hospitalised. I barely ate. Barely slept. When you choked in your sleep it gave me a heart attack. Please Marinette, don't put my poor heart through turmoil again, please?

Marinette: Oh Buttercup! Don't worry, Luka won't hurt me again. Trust me.

Adrien: Who's Buttercup?

Marinette: I don't know, but it's my new nickname for you!

Adrien: I trust you Marinette, I just don't trust Luka.

Marinette: Well then you just have to trust me that I trust Luka, and in doing so trust Luka!

Adrien: What

Marinette: Never mind. But can you please trust me?

Adrien: Fine. But only because I care about you

Marinette: Thank you Adrien! I gotta go now, but thanks for understanding!

Adrien: Oh, I don't understand. But I have to go too.

Marinette: Where?

Adrien: To the flower shop

Marinette: Why?

Adrien: To see what flowers you want for your funeral.

Marinette: Hey!

I spam him for a few more minutes, but he doesn't reply back. Sighing, I open Luka's number and tell him I'm going to be late. A jolt of fear spikes inside me when I fear his reaction. Then I look at the lock next to his name and I calm down. The lock means he's under security. It means he won't hurt me. It means he can't hurt me. People change.

Calming down, I read his reply.

Luka: It's okay Marinette, just come over whenever.

I sigh in relief. But my fingers still creep up to type one more message, just to be safe.

Marinette: Is your probation officer going to be there?

Despite trusting him, some of Adrien's warning did go in my head. Also, my trauma wouldn't allow me to go otherwise. A feeling of proudness blooms in my chest. See? I was capable of knowing right and wrong!

Luka: Yes, he's going to be there. Are you coming?

I jump up and get ready, typing a confirmation reply to Luka. Exiting out the door, I wave goodbye to parents and step out into the warm Paris sun.

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