Chapter 30- Worstmate

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Marinette's POV

Of course, Adrien spammed me for the rest of the day. My text messages were filled with his questions and apologies, asking what he did wrong and how he could fix it. I really wanted to text him back, as it wasn't really fair to him to be ghosted by me. He did save my life after all.

But after consulting with Luka, he said that texting Adrien would mean giving him power over me, or something like that. He said I should block him just in case I might be tempted to talk to him again. I eventually did, leaving all his messages on delivered.

When I arrive at school the next morning Adrien is nowhere to be seen. However, the fangirls of my school were hysterically sobbing at the entrance. These were the girls who would follow Adrien home and ask for his autograph, even when it was clear that they already had so many signed things of his. They would also wear his merchandise, which ranged from jackets, shoes and hair clips. They even had cutouts of him in their home, and I often over heard them hosting rituals to make him their soulmates.

In their hands are copies of the same magazine, with a professional picture of Adrien at the front. When I pass them I overhear their words.

"Adrien's going to London for three weeks!"

I freeze in my tracks. He was going where? I begin to walk over to them. Just as I reach them they begin to start wailing about the injustice of the world. Covering my ears, I ask them for a copy of the magazine. One girl with mascara dripping on her cheeks hands me it.

The Agreste Hiatus!

Today Gabriel Agreste has informed the press that he and his son will be going on a trip to London for three weeks.

"My son wants to pursue a career in fashion." Gabriel Agreste says. "He came to me yesterday begging to go to London. We've already been planning this but he wanted to go there sooner. He wants to learn the art of designing clothes. I'm so glad he's finally come to his senses."

I stop reading the rest and hand the magazine back to the crying girl. Adrien went to his father to get out of the country? Why? Was it because of me?

Just then, my phone lights up with a text from an unknown number. Opening the chat, there's a single message.

Dear Marinette,

I don't know what I did but I'm sorry. You may or may not heard but I'm going away for three weeks to London. I'm coming back one day before Luka's probation ends. I figured you wanted to some time alone, away from me. Just know that I only have your best interests at heart. I'm sorry.

Stay safe (I mean it)


I don't know what to make of the message. Was I happy that he was gone or sad that I didn't get to say goodbye? Either way, he was gone.

The bell rings, signalling the start of the school. Today was my due date to hand in the assignment. Luckily, I had finished it days ago. I still had no clue to answer the extra credit question. People were starting to notice now.

I enter the classroom, the essay tucked neatly in its folder.

I place the folder on Ms Bustier's desk and sit down. The end of the year was quickly approaching- we had only a little more than a month until the holidays.

Luka comes up to me and smiles. "Did you block Adrien?" his first words are. I nod, and his smile grows. "I heard he's leaving for two weeks. He's a liar and a manipulator, I heard he once stole another girl's designs in another school." Lila says.

I didn't get why he was suddenly anti-Adrien, or why he was now revealing rumours that he heard. His words also didn't match up with Adrien's words, as he said he had been homeschooled his entire life. Something wasn't right.

"Do you know what this means?" Luka says. "It means he's your worstmate Mari." I realise his words. If Adrien was my worstmate then it's confirmed that Luka is my soulmate. Not that I didn't have any doubt. Or did I?

I shake my head. Luka's my soulmate. He was really my soulmate, and now there was no doubt. I look at Luka and he nods, knowing what this means.

But there's still a piece of doubt in me. Was Adrien really my worstmate? He saved my life countless of times. But Luka said in the trial that the things he did to me was for my own good. So which boy had better intentions? The cat or the snake?

"Mari, look at me." Luka says. I look up into his blue eyes. I'm immediately lost in them, their blueness almost hypnotic. "Adrien's your worstmate, trust me." Luka says. I nod, still mesmerised by his eyes.

"Adrien's my worstmate." I repeat back to him. I had no idea what I was saying, still stuck in the whirlpool his eyes held "Good." Luka says, satisfied as he turns away.

I break out of my trance. Adrien's my worstmate. Adrien's my worstmate. Adrien's my worstmate. I chant to myself. He is my worstmate. Which meant that Luka was my soulmate. So that means he's my soulmate. So he' soulmate. So what do I have to do now?

I have to kiss him.

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