Chapter 2

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Later on,

The guests toasted their sparkling champagne over the engagement speech of the bride. Ryland and Xavier's mother looked beautiful as always, and she looked so happy. As did everyone.

"Shít, my brother got wasted..." Jason cursed, staring at the boy he doesn't want to call his twin brother. His embarrassing sibling is now trying to convince guests that Trump is a robo-lizard in league with Mark Zuckerberg. "I knew we should've knocked him out cold."

"Just wait ten seconds, and the alcohol will do it for you," Justin laughed, a worried Kei sitting on his lap. Everyone is aware that this boy is the lover of the gay Justin Levough, no one paid their mind.

Xavier stood, silently observing them. Kei whispered in Justin's ear, a worried look on his face. Justin then told the Marauders, "Yo, where'd Freckle Nutmeg go?"

It made Ryland search for the crowd. It's strange how nobody spotted the son of the soon-to-be groom.

"No visual," the stoic Ryland answered. "Xavier, you didn't run into him when you brought Mother the necklace, right?"

Ryland caught on. Xavier couldn't hide the bruise with some Tarte Shape Tape concealer.

"No," Xavier lied.

"I'm going to go check on him," Kei announced and hopped out of Justin's lap before getting pulled right back.

"No you're not. Tyler's a grown ass man Babe, no need." The ever so jealous Justin grumbled.

"I'll go check on him," Xavier volunteered with a roll of his eyes. "He's probably preparing for an exam which is due two years from now."

With reluctance from Kei, he went out of the hall to search for Tyler. Guilt gnawed him. Was he the reason Tyler didn't show up? Did he offend Tyler that badly?

He went to search for him in the halls of the Wyner mansion. The music was fading out as he journeyed towards Tyler's room. Yet, he didn't need to get there, because Tyler was already in the hallways, heading to the party.

Their eyes met in an awkward battle between the grass and the wood. They stood merely feet apart. Only that Tyler wasn't alone.

Xavier's eyes shifted to where a familiar person stood beside the freckly boy.

"Xavier." The person greeted quite stiffly.

"Vincent," he replied, face calm but mind racing. Did both of them come out of Tyler's room?! What is Vincent doing here?! What did they just do?!

Vincent Levough is the infamous little brother of Justin Levough. The opposite sibling, where he values gentleness and kindness above all. He stands inches above Tyler; his hair lengthy, flat, and copper. He wears a white tux all over. He is the Angel of the school, the Angel of the family, even an Angel in Tyler's eyes.

Xavier crossed his arms. "You two were talking?"

"Yes," Vincent smiled softly. "I had convinced Tyler to join Kappa Aegis. He would make a wonderful Treasurer."

"Kappa?" Xavier squinted his eyes in disbelief. Tyler avoided his eyes at the announcement.

"Yes Xavier, Kappa..." Vincent confirmed with stiffness in his voice. "Tyler will make a great addition to the family. We've already talked about it."

It left a sour taste in Xavier's mouth and pride. Kappa Aegis was the most prestigious Fraternity in the area who accepts no less than first class Carvalle students. The Levough Mafia has run the Fraternity for generations. The Marauder, Justin Levough, has recently graduated and will soon inherit the mafia. Therefore, he has given the position of the fraternity's President to his little brother, Vincent, now a sophomore. Justin is not the only one who graduated and left Kappa Aegis. Xavier's brother, Vice President Ryland, graduated and left as well. With two out of four marauders graduating, Xavier left the Fraternity as well. Though for other reasons...

It irks Xavier that Vincent involved Tyler in such a tough brotherhood. He doesn't even believe a straight A's kid like Vincent could even run a Fraternity. Xavier turned to Tyler. "And you agree to this? You keep bitching about us bullying you and now you join the Fraternity that invented bullying?"

"Vincent is not like any of you, he's going to change Kappa Aegis' dirty image. I support him being President of the Fraternity." Tyler replied with no wavering of his voice. "He's going to fix the Fraternity you guys ruined and maybe even fix the whole school. They don't need the Marauders. They don't need ássholes in a world of dìcks."

Xavier stared at Tyler. His hard, green eyes stared at the face of determination. Yet in those moist eyes we're uncertainty, hesitance. Xavier almost smirked, he's putting up an act.

"Very well, then..." Xavier clenched his fist. He wants to feel bad for Tyler for what happened earlier but him being with Vincent soured his mood. "I hope you and your Freckle ass is happy in Kappa Aegis."

With a sarcastic side glance, Xavier left the two on their own.

Some time later,

"Hi, Tyler! Nice job on the Assembly decorations!" says a female student who came across Tyler Wyner in the plaza. More and more girls seem to can't help but greet Kappa Aegis' new outstanding Treasurer.

He smiled and replied, "Thank you, I wouldn't have done it without the committee."

A book landed on Xavier's desk so harshly that the noise removed him from staring at Tyler in the plaza through the classroom window.

"Dude, what the hell?" Jason stood there by Xavier's school desk. "I've been calling out to you!"

"How'd you get in here? You're not in my class." He sneaked a glance at the boy down below.

Jason pointed at the clock. "It's already dismissal time. For nine minutes! You're the only one left here. Where's your head?"

Xavier merely sighed and stood up, grabbing his backpack without saying anything. Jason looked down at the window where his friend was always staring at, the plaza. He sees Tyler doing his homework in advance, glancing up to wave at some friendly students.

"Wow, you really hate the kid, don't you," says Jason. Xavier rolled his eyes, finding it irritating that Tyler and Jason are able to spend more time with each other because of the Fraternity they're both a part of. Jason is the only Marauder to not leave the Fraternity and is now the Secretary.

"I just don't know why he became popular all of a sudden. He's still the same stubborn nerd no one cared about until... now." Says Xavier.

Jason shrugged, "He seems pretty nice to me. Even Vincent likes him a lot."

"What?" Xavier cringed.

"Not like that," Jason laughed. "I mean he's so fond of Freckly Pickle. Back at Kappa's, they're basically best buddies. I would've even thought that Vincent will make him Vice President. That's how close they are."

Xavier sighed. "Whatever, I'm done with that Fraternity anyways. It's full of geeks and nerds now."

"Right... Vincent is recruiting brains rather than brawns. I'm both too, though..."

Xavier rolled his eyes once more. Of course... Vincent even planned to recruit the second smartest person in school, Victor Strauss. But that German prick isn't important. What Xavier is so worried about is Vincent taking away the Fraternity's tough reputation by letting someone like Tyler be a part of it.

Xavier saw another female approach Tyler. He felt enraged unlike any other. What's so special about him?!

"Hey, Jason... are my books still in the Frat's library?"

𝐃𝐫𝐢𝐯𝐞𝐧 𝐁𝐲 𝐅𝐫𝐚𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐭𝐲 [𝐃𝐫𝐢𝐯𝐞𝐧 𝐁𝐲] 💗Where stories live. Discover now