[3]: Search For The 'Flag'

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The bustling Rouna city was already living while holding their hopes on Antibeast force. People moving, communicating, and working as if this catastrophe never happen.

The bird still chirp and sing their song even when outside of those huge wall that borders this city was a living hell.

An old jeep drive through the sand road in a hurry before he was stopped at the gate of the border, a few armored personnel knock on the old jeep before it window slide down.

One hand from the car driver whip out the ID card and one personnel swiftly took it from the drive, his eyes was focused to read and then he nods.

The rest of the personnel get out of the way and gave the jeep a way inside, the jeep quickly drives off.

"Geez... They don't know to who did this jeep belong?"
The driver sighed, a scar stretching from his left brows to his cheeks. That's the mysterious man from the battlefield, his face shows one of annoyance before the car window slides close.

The car drives through the road before they enters one of the most developed and bustling states of this damned place, Cryo States.

There were a huge building stretching onto the skies on the left and right, this was the most developed one because here, the plasma ammunition was created.

The place didn't stop at ammunition, it also work to create and develop more heat generating sword that creates something that resembles light as it blade. It name was Heatsword.

This state were the place where the palace of the big three leader was built, a huge building with the most control over Rouna.

The waving castle, that's what the mysterious driving at, he held his foot on the pedal before slowing down to stop in front of the huge white gate.

The mysterious man swing the car doors open before slipping out of it with his eyes gazing into the huge building in front of him.

He held his breath for a second before blowing it all out with his foot started to take a step forward, the castle was guarded with elite forces stepping around for any intruder.

The mysterious man met one of the guard, which eyes widen when he sees the mysterious man with the man's foot moving even more further into the castle.

He kept his gaze forward before he finally reach the door to the room he was searching for...

Waving Castle
Overseer Room

He stepped in, he was greeted by a soft clicking sound of pen hitting the table on repeat by one person on the table with his coffee. There's one other person standing at the end of the room, gazing into the bustling city.

The person groans in frustration as he turn around with a scoff as he face the mysterious man.

"What is it this time?"
The low raspy voice comes out from the person by the window, a scowl was put on his face as he faced the man with scar.

The man blows out a sigh as he stepped forward, his eyes drifting all over the room to inspect every detail.

The decent decoration of a potted houseplant on the corner of the room and the golden frame of the former member picture. And of course the round holographic table that contain every bit of information in this city.
There are also two desk sitting on the side of the room and one more by the window.

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