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Finney's POV

During lunch we all discussed our plans for tonight. "We should play twister!" Griffin said. "YESSS!" Bruce said. "And we should do face masks, I have some." Griffin suggested. "DEFINITELY!" Billy said. I looked over at Robin who was staring at me. I hate how he makes me blush for the dumbest reasons. "Robin? You okay?" I asked. Fuck. That was a stupid thing to say. "Huh? Oh- yeah. I was just zoned out, sorry!" He said, looking embarrassed. Great, I just made him embarrassed. I hate how dumb I can be sometimes. 

Robin's POV

Finney caught me staring at him. How awkward. I think I made it too obvious, now he hates me. God damnit. Why am I like this? why does he make me feel like this? I just can't wait until school is over. the sleepover tonight will be really fun. I just hope I won't embarrass him. Again. God, why is loving so hard? I mean, not saying I do  love him, just saying if I did I would have been obvious. Oh who am I kidding? I do love him. 

Finney's POV

The bell rang and we all walked out of the cafeteria. I walked out with Robin next to me. We didn't say anything, but I liked having him next to me. Math class was next. I had to use the bathroom before class, so I had Robin wait for me outside the bathroom. 

Robin's POV

I was standing by the lockers outside of the bathroom waiting for Finney when I saw Matty and his crew enter the bathroom. That can't be good. Just as I grabbed onto the door handle I heard a scream from inside. I burst through the door and saw Finney huddled on the ground Covering his nose. Matty stood over him laughing with his dumb crew of dimwits. I grabbed the back of Matty's shirt and turned him around. Before he could react I punched him in the face. I kicked him in the stomach then punched him again as he hunched over. He stumbled back and I punched his face again. One of his little friends tried to hit me but I punched him too. I pushed Matty to the floor and started kicking his face as he howled in pain. His two followers stared at me for a bit before bolting out of the bathroom leaving their leader behind. Finney watched as I brought my fist down hard on Matty's face one last time. I got off of him and backed up. He got up and stumbled out of the bathroom. "You okay?" I asked, holding out my hand to help FInney up. "Yeah- just kind of shocked." he said. he took his hand off his nose and I saw he was bleeding. I took a paper towel and handed it to him. "Y'know, you probably shouldn't have done that. What if you get suspended?" Finney asked. "Don't worry about me." I responded. I washed the blood off of my hands while staring at Finn. He took the paper towel off of his nose and washed his hands. He looked at me and saw my knuckles bleeding. "Do you need help?" he asked. It reminded me of the first time we met. "I guess-" I said with a slight chuckle. Finney took a paper towel and held it over the back of my hand. I felt slightly flustered, but didn't want to look obvious that I liked him. God, I wish he could read my mind. That would make things so much easier. Maybe I should talk with Vance? He is gay too, I just won't want him making fun of me for liking Finney. Especially not dropping hints to Finney that I like him, that would be embarrassing. I want Finney to like me, not hate me. 

Finney's POV

As I held the towel to Robin's hand I blushed slightly. I liked that he defended me, the least I could do was help him in return. "So, you excited for tonight?" I asked. "yeah! I can't wait!" Robin said, washing his hands one last time. We walked out of the bathroom together, laughing and talking. We were gonna be late for math, but I didn't care. We opened the door and everyone stared at us. "Late again, I see?" the teacher asked. "Uhm, yeah. sorry." I replied, as we made our way to our seats. Hopefully the end of the day will come soon. 

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