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(hehe its me again 😈 I want to thank yall again bc yesterday it was only at 188 reads now its at 285! I didn't expect anyone to read this, so those of you taking time out of your day to read this thank you so much! also ik it has been quite a few chapters, i didn't expect it to be this long before any confession between Robin and Finney but don't get impatient it's coming up 😝🫶)

Robin's POV

"Can you two hurry up? This was a bad idea, what if we get caught!?" Billy whispered. Griffin and Vance were vandalising the side of the school building as the rest of us stood around and watched. "Don't be a pussy Billy, there is no way we will get caught. No one should be at school at 11 pm." Vance scowled. My mind kept wandering off as I looked around. The school forest was nearby and looked kinda creepy at night. It was so cold you could see your breath. "What should I write ne-" Griffin started. "SHHHHH!" Billy hissed, covering Griffin's mouth with his hand. We heard footsteps and turned our heads to face the sidewalk. We saw what seemed to be the school security guard. It was hard to see, considering we were about 10 yards away from the sidewalk. The figure stopped moving and turned to face us. "Who's there?!" the person called out. "Shit." Vance mumbled. We all quickly turned around and started running. We approached the forest and hopped over the fence. We could hear the person running after us. We all quickly split up, but I made sure Finney was following behind me. We crouched down behind a large log and waited. 

Billy's POV

I knew Griffin would do some stupid shit, but I didn't expect him to be this stupid. I mean, if we get caught we could face a week's worth of suspension at least. Griffin and I climbed a tree and sat on one of the branches. Luckily it was dark, otherwise we would have easily been found. I knew this was a bad idea from the start. "Griffin! I told you this was a bad idea!" I whispered. "It was pretty fun running away though." Griffin said with a smile. "Griff, you need to know that just because something sounds fun doesn't mean it's a good idea." I said sternly. "Would you quit lecturing me for once? I know it's a bad idea, that's why I do it in the first place." Griffin said, he was laughing a bit. "Griffinnn." I groaned. "Whaaaat?" he asked playfully, grabbing my hand. "Oh come on, you know what." I replied. "Don't be such a party pooper." he said with a grin. Then he suddenly kissed my cheek. He always does that when I try to lecture him. He thinks it would distract me, and he's right. 

Finney's POV

Me and Robin stayed hidden for about 10 minutes. We all knew that vandalizing the school was a bad idea, but did we give a shit? No. Clearly. I pulled out my phone to text everyone so we could meet up. 

Bookie3- Where are you guys? I think we are in the clear

Siiimp27- me and Vance are walking by the fence, meet us by the school

Paperboi78- I told you guys it was a bad idea

Twitter33- yeah, but we don't care

PinballGoat97- we do it because it's a bad idea

Bookie3- Lets just focus on meeting up before we get into another argument

PinballGoat97- Fine, whatever

Me and Robin stood up and started walked through the forest. I had gone in it multiple times, but it was a lot harder navigating at night. Luckily it was pretty small. We could see the fence up ahead when Robin suddenly grabbed my waist and pulled me behind a tree. "What the fuck!" I whisper shouted. "Shhh! I hear someone." he whispered in reply. We went silent and I could hear the faint sounds of twigs snapping. I kept looking up at his face, he looks cute. The footsteps fade away and he let go of me. "Come on, let's keep going." he said. We climbed over the fence and walked back towards the building. We could see everyone else already there. "That was fun!" Griffin laughed. Billy rolled his eyes. "What are we going to do now?" Vance asked. "We could go back to my house for a sleepover." Robin said. "YESSSSS!" Bruce squealed. We all walked down the sidewalk, the same route me and Robin went after school. We arrived at his house and immediately sat down in the living room. This had been a tiring week. "I think that we should all get ready for bed." Billy said, gazing around at everyone. "Agreed." Griffin said, taking Billy's hand and resting his head on his shoulder. "So are you guys just going to sleep in your own clothes?" Robin asked. "Might as well." Vance shrugged. "I mean, you can borrow some stuff just for the night." Robin added. Me, Bruce, and Billy ended up borrowing some of Robin's extra clothes. I wore the same thing he had given to me the first day I came to his house. Griffin and Vance ended up staying in their clothes, I guess they are just insane. We moved the coffee table and laid out a ton of pillows to create a makeshift bed in Robin's Living room. There also were two couches, that Me and Robin and Billy and Griffin claimed. Robin turned off the lights and we all said goodnight. 

Billy's POV

It seems like every time I spend the night with Griffin we both can't sleep. He keeps kicking me and once he slept over at my house he managed to push me off of my own bed. He is the most annoying person I have ever met, but that's one of the reasons to like him. Tonight he kept stealing the blankets. We had a fuss about this the night when we all had a sleepover at Bruce's. "Can you stop?" I asked in a whisper, as to not wake up everyone else. "Make me." Griffin spat, rolling himself up in the blankets and leaving me with none. "Stop being ridiculous Griffin." I sighed. "I'm coldddddd." he whined. "If I give you my jacket would you stop?" I asked. Griffin went silent for a moment. "Maybeee." he replied. I sat up and grabbed my jacket laying on the floor next to us and handed it to Griffin. He put it on and all was well, until he pushed me off of the couch and stole the blankets again. 

Robin's POV

We all basically fell asleep the moment I turned off the lights, but we all seemed to wake up a few hours into the night. There was a loud thud and a groan and I sat up. I could hear everyone else wake up too. I quickly got off of the couch and turned on the light. Billy had fallen off  the couch and Griffin was laying peacefully where Billy had just been. "What the fuck?" Vance asked, rubbing the sleep from his eyes. I glanced at the clock. "Billy, it's 3 in the morning, what happened?" i asked. "Griffin pushed me off." he groaned, getting to his feet and looming over Griffin. Griffin opened his eyes and looked right at Billy. "Oops." he said with a snicker. "You two are the most ridiculous people I have ever met." Finney groaned, still laying down. "Honestly, when will you two stop arguing?" Bruce asked. "When he stops being a pain in the ass." Billy remarked, glaring at Griffin who stuck his tongue out at him. "Just split the two of them up." Finney said, covering his face with the pillow to drown out the light. "yeah, is there room with you guys?" I asked Vance and Bruce. "Yeah, as long as Griffin has his own blanket." Vance said, scowling at Griffin. "I'm not going to move." Griffin replied. Billy groaned, and picked up Griffin who flailed around like a toddler. "Put me down!" he shrieked. Billy tossed him onto the pile of pillows next to Vance and Bruce and laid back down on the couch. I turned the lights back off and laid back down. The room was finally quiet. "I atleast need a blanket." Griffin said. Everyone let a groan. There was a sudden smack, and a "Ow." from Griffin's direction. "Are you good now?" Billy asked. "I guess." Griffin sneared. And we finally fell asleep. 

(I put two chaotic chapters in a row oops 🤭 Anyways I hoped you liked this one lol) 

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