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(quick a/n here, cosmic brownies are goated fr, just saying. Literally one of the only things giving me the will to live so props to little debbie 🤩)

Finney's POV

We went up to Robin's room. It was just as messy and it had been the last time I was here. I set my bag down and pulled out a pencil. "What work did you need help with?" I asked. Robin rummaged through the piles of homework he had on his desk and found a sheet of paper. He set it on the floor and sat down in front of me. "Oh, this is a simple problem. It's just a generic rectangle. You just have to add these numbers, multiply that, and then add that." I explained. "What?" Robin asked. I sighed. "Here let me show you again." i said. I solved the first problem, and went slowly with the steps. "Oh! I get it now!" He said. I smiled at him. He finished the rest of the problems easily and we moved on to another sheet. "How old are these sheets?" I asked. I recognized this one from two units ago. "I honestly don't know." he responded with a laugh. A few hours had gone by and I could tell Robin was getting bored. "We should do something else." he said. "I don't know, we are already almost done with this sheet." I said. He picked it up and held it above his head. "Hey!" I shouted, getting to my feet as well. I tried to jump and grab it, but I lost balance and fell into Robin and we both hit the floor laughing. "God, you're so immature Robin!" I groaned. He kept laughing hysterically. "I can be mature when I want!" he defended. I laughed again. God, why does he make me feel this way?

Robin's POV

When Finney had knocked me over he landed on top of me. He still was laying there, and I blushed when I realized. He's so cute it annoys me sometimes. "You okay?" I asked. "Just tired." he responded. "Mind if I take a nap?" he asked. "nope, go right ahead." I said. I sat down on my bed and Finney laid down next to me. He fell asleep in about ten minutes. I was on my phone waiting for him to wake up when I felt him wrap his arms around me and lay his head down on my shoulder. I was completely flustered. He still was asleep, so he must have done that by accident, but I didn't mind. I placed one of my hands on the back of his head and went back to scrolling on TikTok. I got a text message from the group chat. 

Siiimp27- Guys! I am going to be hosting a party for the whole grade at my place tomorrow!

PaperBoi78- OMG YESSSS

GymnastBaddie23317- Can't wait!

PaperBoi78- you better not get drunk again

GymnastBaddie23317- stfu I do what i want  😤

PaperBoi78- I always have to end up taking care of you after thoughhh 😩

Twitter33- What the fuck is going on?

PinBallGoat97- Bruce is having a party tomorrow night

Twitter33- cool!

PinBallGoat97- anyways, how is your study session going with Finney? 😏

Twitter33- go kill yourself

PaperBoi78- you school appropriate language 😡

Twitter33- Shut up hoe

GymnastBaddie23317- back off my man chickadee  😡

Twitter33- Yall are weird as fuck 😭

I set my phone down and looked at Finney. He was still asleep, so I will tell him when he wakes up.

Finney's POV

I woke up about forty five minutes later. I was laying on Robin again. I was blushing as I sat up. "Oh you're awake!" He said. "I have to tell you something." I looked confused. "What's up?" I asked. "Bruce is hosting a party at his house tomorrow night, wanna come?" he asked. "Yeah sure." I responded. I looked at the time. "Oh it's already three?" I asked. "Oh, yeah." he said. "I have to go, see you tomorrow Robin!" I said, throwing my bag over my shoulder and walking out of his room. 

(Time skip tomorrow)

It was the weekend. Thank god. But there was Bruce's party tonight. I wanted to go, but I was nervous about being around that many people at once, but Robin was going to be there. I got a text on my phone from the group chat. they blew up my phone all of yesterday and today.

Siiimp27- let's all meet at the stop and go at 9 to get everything we need

PaperBoi78- This party is going to be amazing

GymnastBaddie23317- Finney get onlineeeee you haven't come on since yesterdayyy

Bookie3- God, I'm here 

PinBallGoat97- Meet us at the stop and go at 9

Bookie3- K

When I was done texting them I decided to scroll through the messages sent yesterday. There was one that Vance sent, teasing Robin about me. Damnit. Either Vance knows I like Robin, or Vance knows Robin likes me. Does Robin like me? I kind of hope he does. The feelings for him just came out of nowhere but I like him, a lot. God this is embarrassing. I got up from bed and got dressed. I laced up my shoes and went into Gwen's room. "Hey Gwen, I'm gonna go to the stop and go with my friends." I said. "Okay." She replied. "I will also be out late tonight, there is a party at Bruces." I added. "Sounds good, I will take care of dad while you're gone." she said. "K, thanks." I responded, closing the door to her room and heading out the front door. As I approached the stop and go I could see everyone standing outside. I ran up to them. "Hey Finney!" Billy said. "Hey." I replied. "Alright Bruce, what do we need for this party?" Vance asked. "Well, I do need alcohol but we are underage." Bruce said. "Leave that to me." Griffin said with a mischievous smirk. "Oh god Griffin." Billy sighed, grabbing the bridge of his nose. "Okay, anything else?" Robin asked. "Uhh, cups, snacks, and that's about it." Bruce replied. "Great, so we should get all of that and then let's meet at the PinBall machine." Vance said. "Alright." I replied. 

Robin's POV

Finney gave me weird glances. Maybe he read the text messages from yesterday. Vance is dumb as fuck to tease me about that in a group chat WITH Finney. I hope he doesn't know, god that would be bad. We all went inside the stop and go and split up in the isles. I found some snacks and checked out. That was quick. I waited at the PinBall machine and set the bags of food down. Finney came over a while later with a plastic bag full of snacks. He set his bag down and stood next to me. This felt so awkward. I am praying he won't get the hint. Griffin and Billy came over next. "Just wondering Griffin, who is this person who gives you alcohol?" Billy asked. "My uncle, duh." Griffin said, as though we all should have known the answer. "Uhm... why?" Billy asked. "He just has a lot and he is drunk all the time so if I take a few bottles he won't be able to tell." Griffin explained with a shrug. We all gave him a weird glance. Bruce and Vance came over next. We gave our spare change to Vance, who played a few rounds of PinBall before we left. 

Finney's POV 

We were all walking back to Bruce's house talking. I felt so awkward around Robin, I feel like he knows that I know. God. He is going to hate me, I made things weird between us. Why does the universe try to sabotage me like this? When we got to Bruce's house we set the groceries on his counter. Billy, Vance, and Griffin decided to stay and help get the party ready. Me and Robin went home. I had to find something to wear. 

(Hopefully this chapter was better the last ones 🤩 My mom got me starbucks so my brain is fueled now 😝 For the few people reading  put your thoughts in the comments)

1345 words 😼

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