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Finney's POV

The party was pretty fun. It went on for a few hours more until everybody went home. Bruce let our friend group stay, and Amy, Donna, and Gwen, for a sleepover. To celebrate Bruce's birthday with close friends. After they were sure everyone had left they all sat in the living room together. confetti was littered all over the floor and streamers hung from the ceiling. "I made sure to text you all before the party that we were having a sleepover, so did anyone bring any clothes for themselves?" Bruce asked. Damn, I must have had my phone on silent. Most people in the room said 'yes', but not me. "Finney, what about you?" Bruce asked. "I had my phone on silent so I didn't read the text." I sighed. "Hah you stupid bitch." Vance laughed. I rolled my eyes. "I can share my stuff with you." Robin nodded. I smiled. "Thanks, Robin." I said. "Can we stop flirting and get on with the party?" Gwen scoffed. "What should we do first?" Bruce asked. "We should paint nails!" Donna exclaimed. "YESSSS!!!" Griffin agreed. "We should also watch a movie!" Finey added. "But which movie?" Amy asked. "How about horror? Halloween is right around the corner." Robin suggested. Everybody nodded in agreement. Donna left to get the nail polish she brought and the rest of us were trying to decide on a movie to watch. "We should totally watch Hereditary," Griffin said. "No, absolutely not. We need to watch Nightmare on Elms Street." Vance said. "How about this new movie I saw?" Billy suggested. "What is it about?" Gwen asked. "Some kidnapper who kidnaps this one kid or something," Billy said with a shrug. "That shit sounds boring." Vance scoffed. "We should watch Scream!" Bruce says. Everyone agreed with that suggestion and Bruce got the movie up on the TV. Donna came back and Bruce started the movie. 

Robin's POV

A few hours had passed. The movie was pretty good, but not really scary. After the movie, we all kinda did our own thing. Me and Finney sat on the couch watching Vance, Griffin, Bruce, Gwen, and Billy all playing Monopoly. Amy and Donna were making garlic bread and nachos for everyone. Usually, monopoly would be more tame, but with this friend group? Absolutely not. "You landed on my property Vance," Griffin said with a smirk. "Bitch I'm broke, I can't afford shit." Vance scoffed. "COUGH UP THE MONEY WHORE!" Griffin shouted. "OVER MY DEAD BODY," Vance screamed. Amy peeked her head into the living room with a very concerned look on her face. Gwen glanced over to Bruce and Billy who shrugged and continued to watch this play out. Griffin and Vance started wrestling on the floor, rolling over the whole Monopoly board. Me and Finney started dying. Gwen rolled her eyes, getting annoyed with this. She stood up and looked down at Vance and Griffin. "GET UP." She screamed. Everyone went silent and stared at her. "You two are both idiots," she said. "Rude." Griffin scoffed. "Are you gonna have to go to time out mister?" she asked in a mocking tone. "Make me," Griffin replied. A whole roll of duct tape and one chair later he was left sitting in the corner of the living room. "I FUCKING HATE YOU GUYS." Griffin screeched. "BE QUIET," Gwen shouted, instantly shutting a rather angry Griffin up. Amy and Donna brought the food they had just made into the living room and we all started eating. Well, everyone except Griffin. We all began to get tired and we released Griffin and went to change into our pajamas. 

Finney's POV

Bruce and Billy helped blow up inflatable mattresses while the rest of us finished getting changed. I yawned and looked at the clock. It was 1 AM. Everyone came back into the living room and claimed their spots. Vance and Bruce shared the couch, Amy claimed the recliner, and the rest of us split up into pairs of two to share the air mattresses: Donna and Gwen, Griffin and Billy, and me and Robin. When everyone was satisfied with where they were sleeping Bruce gave everyone blankets and pillows and turned off the lights. 

My eyes flickered open and I gazed at the clock. It was 9 AM. Donna, Robin, and Amy were also awake and talking in the kitchen. I stood up and looked at the others. Vance was awake too and on his phone while Bruce was sleeping next to him. Griffin was sprawled out like a starfish on the mattress snoring loudly and Billy was halfway on the bed and halfway on the floor. Gwen was whispering to herself in her sleep, she does that often. I yawned and walked into the kitchen. Donna was sitting on the counter with a bowl of batter in her lap and Amy and Robin were busy cooking pancakes on the stove. "Good morning Finney!" Donna said. "Morning," I said, my voice groggy. Robin filled a glass with orange juice and handed it to me. "How did you sleep?" he asked. "Good," I responded, taking a sip of juice. Billy and Griffin walked into the kitchen and came up to the others. "Hey guys!" Griffin said. "hey Griffin." Donna replied, handing the bowl in her hands to Amy. 

We all talked for a while until the pancakes were ready. We all sat down to eat and Vance and Bruce walked in and sat down as well. We all gossiped and ate our breakfast before packing up our stuff and getting ready to leave. I said bye to Bruce and told him happy birthday before grabbing my bag and walking home with Gwen. 

(AHHHHHHH FINALLY A CHAPTER HAS BEEN COMPLETED!!! Sorry how long I've been gone I am having some issues rn 🤭 But I hope you enjoyed this chapter! I didn't really mean to make this a slow burn but ig it is now oopsies 🤪 Ima work on the next chapter and try to get it out as soon as possible! Also ty for 1.2k views!!!! I love yall smmm 😭 Also sorry for making the last chapter CRINGE oops 🥰 also I am updating my other book so check it out! TYSM ONCE AGAIN) 

1046 words 🤭

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