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(sorry it's been a little bit I haven't been feeling very motivated. Plus I am working on a TBP chatfic rn so expect that to come out shortly! Tysm for giving this book 555 reads!! 🫶)

Finney's POV

A few weeks have passed, and today is the day of Bruce's party. I am really excited, my friends will be there and stuff. The past few weeks I have been hanging out with Robin a lot more. My crush on him has gotten pretty extreme. Maybe I should confess at this party? just the thought of that makes me sick to my stomach. Maybe I won't. I'm not sure how or when to confess, love isn't an emotion I'm good at handling. I had a few hours until the party, so I decided to listen to music and write. 

Vance's POV

Bruce invited me over an hour early to help set up. He's my boyfriend and all, so of course I said yes. I was also thinking of telling Bruce about Robin's crush on Finney. I know Robin told me not to tell anyone, but Bruce is a very nice guy and he would never do something like that. He is also good at giving romance advice, so it could be helpful for Robin anyways. I rang Bruce's doorbell and he opened the door for me. "Hey Vance!" he greeted, giving me a hug. "Hey Bruce!" I said back. Bruce is the only person I am nice to. We walked into his living room and I helped him decorate. Afterwards we went to the kitchen and helped set up the food and drinks. "Bruce, I need to tell you something." I said. He glanced up at me. "What is it?" he asked. "Robin told me not to tell anyone this, but I trust you, and I think you could give some good advice." I said. "Uhhh what's wrong?" Bruce asked again. "Well... Robin likes Finney." I blurted out. Bruce's eyes widened. "Just don't tell anyone!" I shouted. "Finney told me that he liked Robin." Bruce said, a mischievous smile crept onto his face. I smirked too. "Are you thinking what I'm thinking?" I asked. "Sabotage!" Bruce said. "Exactly!" I agreed. 

Robin's POV

I don't know how much longer I can do this. I have been hiding my feelings for Finney for a month now, and it's killing me. I really want to tell him, but I don't know how. I just don't know how much longer I can hide my feelings. Anyways, Bruce's party is in an hour, so i should get ready. 

(Time skip to the party because why the hell not)

Finney's POV

I approached Bruce's house. I felt pretty nervous, but excited. I could hear the music as I got closer to the house. I opened the door and saw a ton of people inside. I felt very confused. Bruce came up to me and hugged me. "Glad you made it Finney!" He said. "I thought you said you were only inviting our close friends?" I asked. "Eh, I decided to just invite the whole grade. Minues Matty, Matt, Buzz, and Moose." Bruce explained. Finney shrugged, and the two of them walked into the kitchen. Billy and Robin were leaning against the wall talking. "Hey guys!" Robin said. "Heyyy!" Bruce replied. "Where is Vance and Griffin?" I asked, glancing around the room. "I have no idea." Robin shrugged. "I hope it's not getting drinks, I told Griffin to not get drunk this time." Billy groaned. They walked over to the kitchen counters that had all of the drinks. I decided to pour myself some, hopefully I won't get as drunk as I did last time. "Do you guys wanna go to the basement? There shouldn't be a lot of people down there." Bruce suggested. "Sure! But maybe we should get Vance and Griffin." Billy said. We searched around until we found the two outside. "Why are you guys out here?" Bruce asked. "I dunno, because." Vance shrugged. "We are gonna head down to the basement, wanna come?" Bruce asked. "yeah sure." Griffin replied. We all walked back inside and down to the basement. "We should play truth or dare!" Robin suggested, as he took a seat on the couch. "Yes!" Griffin said eagerly. "I'm going to get a drink, I will bring down a bottle and some cups for us all." Bruce said, quickly running upstairs. He came back down with a bottle of liquor and some plastic cups. We took turns pouring ourselves a drink. Billy eyed Griffin as he poured a good amount of the drink in his cup. "Griff, I think that's enough." Billy said, snatching the bottle from Griffin's hands. "Oh come on!" Griffin groaned. "Griffin, I just don't want you getting drunk again." Billy said sternly. The rest of us exchanged awkward glances with each other as we listened to Billy and Griffin argue. "I do what I want!" Griffin protested. "I always end up taking care of you like you're a toddler or something! I'm sick of it!" Billy said. "Well that's your own fault." Griffin spat. "Well I kind of have too, your my boyfriend and all." Billy remarked. Griffin glared at Billy. "Nobody makes you take care of me." Griffin said. "Well i can't just leave you!" Billy shouted. We could all feel the tension building between the two. "uhh.. Griffin, maybe you should listen to Bil-" Robin started. "Fuck out of this Robin!" Griffin shouted. "Damn, okay." Robin muttered under his breath. "I do what I want, and that's that!" Griffin protested. "Fine! Do what you want for all i care! Just don't come crying to me when you get blackout drunk and need help." Billy shouted, as he stood up and walked back upstairs. "Whatever! I don't care anyway!" Griffin yelled. "Go fuck yourself!" Billy cried out from the top of the stairs. Griffin stood up too and walked back upstairs leaving the rest of us sitting in awkward silence. "What now?" Vance asked. 

✪✩ ✧*̥˚ Tutor *̥˚✧ ✩✪   (Rinney TBP)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang