30│ Bodyguard

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She let out a shivering sigh putting her hands on top of the railing.. The tear drops fell down from her eyes.. That clearly show she is trying hard not to be weak or anything infront of him.. She is trying way hard to not involve with him but she couldn't or he is not letting her..

Yn : Why..!? Why you keep bothering me.. Please.. Please stay away Taehyung..!!

Her voice were shuttering due to the urge of crying but still she tried to spoke..He got worried seeing her state.. He didn't thought she would react this way yet after that sweet night of them..

He though strom between them almost cleared but no never it didn't.. As soon as he held her shoulder she jerk him aggressively that made his eye widen.. She glare at him with her blooshoted eyes they show how much she is been suffering because of him..


He felt pang in his heart because of her word.. They literally hurt him too much.. And now he know how she felt when he push her away while she beg him to don't leave her.. He felt so regret about that all..

She stood infront of him with a glare and pointed her finger to him..

Yn : You.. You Kim Taehyung.. You can't.. You can't get control on me.. Im not weak infront of you just keep that in mind.. And don't ever touch me again like this..

He shut his eyes getting too much by her words.. He have no idea why she have to use this much bitter words against him like this.. He didn't though he hurt her that much deep to make her this much bitter against him..

Taehyung : Yn..!!

His voice hold the agony with glimpse of anger too..He murmur against his breath to get her attention to him.. But she didn't even gave any attention to him.. She just glare at him and moved her feet away from him..

Seeing that he gritted his teeth.. He got furious by her behavior that he couldn't tolerate anymore.. That he just pull her against him by her upper arm.. Made her bump against his bulk body..

Their face become too much closer to each that they could hear their heartbeat of each other.. Both of them are glaring at each other.. Now Taehyung also have bloodshoted eyes that they were almost in the way to shed tears..

He lean towards her face tightening his grip on her..

Taehyung : Im.. Im sorry Princess.. I told you im sorry for everything then why..!? Then why aren't you understanding me..!?

He whisper against her lips with his ravishing deep voice.. That already made goosebumps all over her body..

Yn : You don't deserve my forgiveness Mr. Kim..!!

She said with all her confidence that made him piss again .. He shut his eyes yet again controlling his furiousness.. He whisper yet again with his controlling anger..

Taehyung : Yn please.. Please im really sorry..!!

With a mocking smirk she jerk his hands away from him and moved.. Thats when his nerve got click that he didn't took any other second to shout..!!

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