Chapter 14

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The sunlight slowly rose on her indicating it was time to wake up so she got up to wake him up for work. she shakes him to make him wake up but to no avail, she pulls his arm to get him up but also doesn't work. She was about to yell into his ears to wake him up but he quickly covered his ears before she could do that.

She went to the kitchen to prepare breakfast for her to eat and waited for the scent of the food to waft into the room and near his face. As the smell wafts into the room, he starts smelling the room and notices that it smells delicious and gets up to see where it coming from. He reaches where it is coming from and looks up to see it is his fiancee who is cooking the delightful food in the kitchen.

"Good morning honey," Zeina said

"Morning sweetie" Oz replied

"How was your night?" Zeina asked

"It was alright and yours?" Oz replied

"It was good" Zeina replied

"That is great to hear honey" Oz replied

"Um honey" Zeina replied

"Yes my love" Oz replied

He looked at her to ask

"Why didn't you wait until I woke up to cook breakfast for you?" Oz asked

"Oh, the breakfast? Lol well it is a funny story" Zeina said

"Let's hear it" Oz replied

"Well you see though I was hungry I was cooking to wake you up to go to work but since you are going to be late I suggest you call the office and let them you will be late or stay home" Zeina replied

" wait what I'm going to be late? why you didn't wake me up?" Oz asked

"As I said I have tried" Zeina replied

"oh no, oh no I have to call my boss quickly. Where is the phone?" Oz replied

"It's over there next to the TV" Zeina replied

"OK, thank you. Let me call my boss and stay quiet" Oz replied

He ran towards where the phone was and quickly called the office to let his boss know he was going to be late but no one answered. He kept on calling the office but it went straight to voicemail. He had left a voicemail for the secretary to relay to the boss and panicked while he waited to get a call back from his boss.

An hour or two later, a call came in from the office while he was watching a movie, and he picked up to answer the phone while she was on her phone playing a game. As he was talking with his boss, she put her game on pause and closely listened to the conversation between him and his boss, and when the phone call ended she went back to her game. He continued watching the movie after hanging up the phone and she went closer to him to lean on while he was watching the movie.

"Honey," Zeina said

"Yes my love" Oz replied

"Are you going to work today or not?" Zeina asked

"I'm not going to work" Oz replied

"What? Why not?" Zeina asked

"You already said I was going to be very late. if I do go, what is the problem now?" Oz replied

"Well I want you to buy something for me and it's pretty expensive" Zeina replied

"What is it?" Oz asked

"Well ..." Zeina said

"Well, what is it?" Oz asked

"A new dress" Zeina replied

"Why do you need a new dress?" Oz asked

"I want to look good" Zeina replied

"It's good you want to look good but for who?" Oz asked

"For me of course" Zeina replied

"Don't you want to look good for the both of us?" Oz asked

"No, I'm good looking good for myself" Zeina replied

"Wow, are you serious or just kidding?" Oz asked

"Just kidding" Zeina replied

"Don't do that to me next time" Oz replied

"Don't do what to you?" Zeina asked

"Dont play with my feelings like that," Oz said

"I didn't play with your feelings," Zeina said

"Yes, you did," Oz said

"No, I didn't" Zeina replied

"Yes, you did" Oz replied

"You know what?" Zeina asked

"What?" Oz asked

"I'm not having this argument with you" Zeina replied

"Wow this is unbelievable" Oz replied

"I'm going to be on my phone watching a movie. If I happen to fall asleep, don't wake me up just get food yourself" Zeina replied

"Uh huh interesting," Oz said

She goes on her phone to look for a movie to watch while he continues to look at her dumbfounded. He sat down to turn on the TV to watch his program and while he was watching his program he saw that she was laughing and wondered what was funny. He leaned over to see what was making her laugh and couldn't see anything funny and wanted to ask her.

"Honey," Oz said

"Yes sweetie" Zeina replied

"What are you watching?" Oz asked

"Why do you want to know?" Zeina asked

"Just curious because you seem to be enjoying yourself and laughing" Oz replied

"Oh, it's a comedy movie. You wouldn't like it" Zeina said

"How would you know?" Oz asked

"I have seen the things you watch and what I'm watching isn't one" Zeina replied

"What? You are lying. You don't know anything about my taste in movies and shows" Oz said

"Whatever, I'm going back to my movie," Zeina said

"Don't whatever me" Oz replied

As she was watching her movie, she started to fall asleep while he went to the kitchen to make something for him to eat. He went back to the room with the food and continued to watch his show. Moments later, while he was watching his show after eating, he jumped into bed and went to sleep.                                                                                                                

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