Chapter 22

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The next morning was Valentine's Day and every other couple was giving their significant other breakfast in bed and treating them more special than they do every day of their lives. She was sleeping in bed waiting to be woken up by him with a lovely breakfast tray in front of her when he only got up to get ready for work, she stopped him to tell him what she wanted but he didn't know what day was it, and he left home to drive to the office. He clocked in the office, told the secretary to bring the files to his desk, and got started working on the files before his boss noticed him.

Meanwhile, she was still in bed angry because he didn't get her breakfast, she wondered if he knew how she felt about what he did to her and wondered if she should call him to tell him how she felt. She thought for a few moments about what to do and decided to call him to let him, and waited until he answered the phone to tell him. Unfortunately, he didn't answer the phone and went straight to voicemail so she left a message for him, continued what she was doing at home, and took a shower to cook breakfast to eat.

Back at the office, he continues to work on the files while she is eating her breakfast, his boss notices he is working at his desk and walks to his table to talk to him. As he was walking towards his desk to talk to him, he started to wonder what he would he say and how he would say it to him and after thinking long and hard while walking towards him he was about to say it and he froze. Oz wondered what he was going to say and how come he froze so he gave his boss to cool down before he started asking questions to him.

As he waited for his boss to say something, he continued to work on the files on his desk, the receptionist continued to wait more until he became unfrozen, and she wheeled him back to his office where he became unfrozen moments later. His boss came towards his desk and was confused as to why he was at his office and he told his boss all that had happened when he came to talk to him. His boss looked at him with a confused look on his face as he couldn't believe what he heard,told him to pretend nothing happened in the office and continued working like nothing happened as he was told by his boss.

An hour later, she called him to check on how he was doing at the office then proceeded to tell him why she was actually calling him during work hours, and after talking to him she hung up the phone. She went to the kitchen to make something for her to eat while he continued to focus on the files he was working on before she called him on his cell at work. His boss heard the phone call between him and his fiancee, and he decided to keep an eye on him so he wouldn't answer any more calls during work hours and focus on the files on his desk he was working on.

He looked over towards his boss's office and noticed that he was looking at what he was doing and felt uneasy as he didn't know that he was looking at him all that time. He started to wonder what he was thinking or if he heard the conversation and began to panic. his boss got up to walk over to his desk to ask if everything was alright and why he looked uncomfortable.

He told his boss that everything was great and that he was comfortable, not uncomfortable. His boss didn't believe it and waited for him to tell the truth because he knew he was lying and didn't want to say how he was actually feeling. His boss looked him in the eye and saw that he was uneasy but didn't know what made him feel uncomfortable.

His boss walked back to his office and continued to wait for an answer from him until he fessed up the reason. He had told his boss that the reason he was uneasy was because he didn't know he was looking at what he was doing earlier. His boss was shocked and laughed as he couldn't believe that was the reason for his uneasiness. His boss reassured him it wouldn't happen again and walked back to his office to continue working.

Two hours later, it was time for everyone to go to lunch and they all stopped what they are doing and headed out to go to the restaurant for lunch. Meanwhile, he was still at his desk working and didn't realize it was time for lunch until his boss walked over to his desk that it was time for lunch. He looked around to see if everyone was already gone and to his surprise they had already gone out for lunch and no one had told him it was time for lunch.

He called to check on his fiancee to make sure if everything was ok and told her that he was now on lunch time as well as he missed her and continued to talk until they hung up the phone. He went to the break room to take a long nap until he wanted to eat during lunch .moments later, he woke up from his nap to order something to eat and waited for his food to be delivered to the office so he could start eating and continue his sleep until it was time to resume working.

Half an hour later, his food arrived at the office and he started eating his food as he was hungry and continued to eat until he was full and threw the rest of the food out. He resumed his sleep after he finished eating his lunch until it was time to resume work. moments later, it was time to resume work at the office and everyone started coming back to the office to go to their office to resume working until it was time to go home.

As time passed by, his boss noticed that he wasn't at his desk working as he should and went to look for him in the break room to see if he was there eating, and to his surprise, he was sleeping in the break room. He woke him up to tell him that it was time to resume working, and that everyone had returned to the office from the restaurant to continue working, and that if he didn't resume work he would be forced to fire him. He got up from the break room to walk towards his desk to continue working and his boss walked to his office to continue working until it was time to go home.

As minutes turned into hours, he checked the time to see what time it was and made sure he had to get in time for his fiancee and clocked out before leaving the office. After he left the office, he got in his car to drive to his house and arrived at his house to be with his fiance. He took a shower to go to sleep in bed after a long day at the office and went straight to sleep while his fiancee was still up and hadn't showered to prepare to cuddle/sleep with her fiance.

She went to take a shower in the bathroom without anything to eat and she put on her silky nightgown to lay down next to him and went straight to sleep while cuddling with him.

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