A Twisted Turn

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A flash of alarm appeared in Lilly's eyes, but then it went away. As she turned around, she mentioned casually, "What? Oh them. Cheyanne, there's nothing to worry about. Those animatronics are with us."

"They helped us get you out," Ellie added. I wondered how the doors shut in my face in the first place, but I was too shocked to ask. Instead, I spluttered, "What?"

Was this another dream?

"I know, we had the same reaction as you," Raymon explained. "But there's nothing to worry about. According to them, they wouldn't hurt a fly."

"Nothing to worry about?" I snapped. "Ellie, you were right! How is this even possible? Not only is this weird enough, but how could they be friendly? These things look like they were meant to kill!"

The five animatronics that were there only blinked, utterly unphased by my comments. As I studied them, they appeared more friendly than what I had concluded before. Maybe...

"Cheyanne, calm down!" Justin exclaimed, grasping my shoulders. It looked like he was about ready to slap some sense into my face. "If these animatronics were bad, then why aren't they attacking us or doing whatever they would do right now?"

"To gain your trust!" I replied. "Look at Bonnie and Chica; they're staring at us with hunger!"

"How do you know our names?" Chica asked. She was a chicken animatronic with a bit of floof of fur on top of her head and a bib that said, "Let's eat!" In her left hand, she had a platter with a cupcake on it, but I later found out that she rarely had it.

Trying to calm down but still looking around wildly, I replied, "You four are the stars of the show. Freddy, Bonnie, Chica, and Foxy," I pointed to each of them as I said their names. Freddy was an animatronic brown bear. He wore a black top hat and had a black bowtie. I knew that he was the main singer of the band, so he had a microphone, but he wasn't holding it now. Bonnie was a purple rabbit with a red bowtie. He was the guitar player. And finally, Foxy. He was a red fox with an eyepatch over one eye and a hook for one paw. His costume was a little shredded; he wasn't as brand new as the others. He had his little show stage off in the corner, but it was closed down almost as soon as the restaurant opened. I was surprised that I remembered his name.

" But you," I said to the last one, a golden animatronic bear similar to Freddy. "I've never seen you before."

"That's right," he responded. "My name is Golden Freddy. I don't perform with the others. I'm the one that anyone hardly knows about." He said it with pride, as if he enjoyed the lifestyle he had.

"Then where did you come from?"

"The supply closet," Golden Freddy replied shyly. "It's always locked, so nobody discovers me, and the employees forget about me."

"Then how-"

Golden Freddy already knew what I was going to ask. Then how did you get out of the closet if it's locked?

In response, he snapped his fingers and disappeared. He reappeared behind me and tapped me on the shoulder. I looked back to see him there, startled. My friends chuckled, apparently already knowing this. Or maybe they didn't but thought it was funny anyway.

"That's how," he said. I nodded, and he regrouped with the other animatronics. "So is it really true then?" I asked. "You don't want to hurt us?"

"Never!" Several replies came. I felt relief wash over me, but I was still unsure what to think. This just seemed too weird...and they all resembled the Nightmare Animatronics in a way. I felt distrust towards them, but I decided to push it away for now and give it a chance.

Animatronics Awakenحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن