Who to Save??

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Justin's POV

I gasped as Gabe brought out, apparently, our other "option". Whatever that meant. I stared at her in disbelief, letting all of the memories of us as kids wash over me. She looked exactly the same, just older. Her hair was longer, but the same light brown color. Her face was still rounded and innocent but more sharp with maturity.

"Rachell..." I murmured, taking one shaking, weak step forward with tears in my eyes. My sister. I couldn't believe it, it was my sister, and she was still alive! The others' jaws dropped. They were just as astonished as I was. We all saw her body, lifeless at the park. Back when the Nightmares were haunting our lives. I glanced at Nightmare, whose gaze was still focused on the wall. And now they were back. And so was Rachell. This time, they've found an ally. Gabe. But what were they doing with my sister? And how is she still alive?

"How...?" Ellie stammered, only loud enough for my friends and I to hear. But Gabe answered her anyway.

"I honestly don't know, but these guys have told me that the lifeless, dead Rachell you saw wasn't the real one. They replaced her or something." He shrugged. I found that hard and unrealistic to believe, but I didn't care. My sister was right here, in front of me! Besides the fear and hopeless, dead look in her eyes, she seemed okay. So they've kept her captive this entire time...

But where? And why? Why for so long? Just for this moment? My head was reeling with unanswered questions. Like how would have they "replaced" her? With what, a doll? Made how??? It made no sense, but I still didn't care. I just wanted to rush to my sister and hold her in my arms, reunited again. But something held me back. This was all fishy. What did Gabe mean by "option"? That one word kept repeating in my head.

"Who's 'these guys'?" Cheyanne demanded Gabe in a challenging tone. He merely chuckled and snapped his fingers. "These guys, of course."

Gabe stepped aside and forced any other animatronics that were in the way of the hall to move as well. In pairs, the animatronics' Nightmare counterparts stepped into the room from the pitch-black hallway. A new one joined the group and all five of them crowded the room we stood in, even with its large size.

"Who's that?" Ellie asked me, pointing to the new addition that was unrecognizable. "I don't know..." I whispered back to her. It was similar to Golden Freddy, perhaps his Nightmare counterpart. I never knew he had one. It had a similar design as the other Nightmares in which its shell was torn up, had holes, and part of its exoskeleton was visible. The same long, sharp teeth with multiple rows and claws. It was a bit...chubbier...than the others but just as scary. For on its stomach was another mouth with teeth and...is that a tongue inside? There was a white button above the stomach mouth, resembling some sort of plush. It had a purple tophat and bowtie, located right below its neck. "Scarier than the rest I would say..." I mumbled.

I panned my eyes back to my sister, who was right next to the thing. I watched her longingly, although not daring to step any closer.

Gabe clapped his hands together once. "Alright. Let's move on. Before you are two options. Oh-ho-ho, this is gonna be fun!"

Cheyanne stepped behind me and rested a hand on my back for support. She knew what this kid was about to say. And honestly, I think I did too. And I teared up at the thought of it.

"One one side of the room," Gabe acted and spoke like a game sports announcer. "We have some animatronics and two puny kids!"

"Hey!" Gizzmo snapped but was powerless against the ropes. "Once I get untied from this I'm gonna kick your ass..."

Gabe did not respond or even skim in his direction. "And on the other," he continued instead, "We have an eight-year-old that's been locked away for a year or so, finally getting the chance to be released! But will you youngsters let her have her freedom?" He pointed to us.

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