It's Over

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"We're okay now," I whispered to Justin while still in his embrace. I let go of him and placed a hand on his shoulder. "We're okay."

Justin smiled back at me, his mind now at ease. Ellie and Raymon had quit celebrating and were now napping on the ground, their bodies pressed against the wall.

I suddenly gasped. "The animatronics!" I jumped to my feet and trotted around where the giant demon hole once was, paranoid that I could still fall through. I noticed Springtrap dropped the key near the front door; so that's where I checked, crawling on the floor and feeling with my hands. Some banging rose from the front door's other side, followed by muffled screams and shouts. "Yeah yeah, one minute guys!" I hollered. "Springtrap, where is it?!"

"Where's what?" Springtrap asked from across the room, his eyes closed and resting. His arm was draped across Mangle's shoulders and she leaned on him.

"The damn key!"

Springtrap's eyes shot open. "Should be there somewhere," he replied, growing worried.

"It's not here!" I was now checking in the corners, in the middle of the room, everywhere. Justin came over to help.

"It's right here," he announced, picking up the key in the outside corner of the prize counter. "Are ya blind?"

"Maybe just a little bit," I replied, amused. Justin opened the door using the key. The banging on the other side had stopped as he fiddled with the lock. Not knowing how this lock worked, he struggled for a few seconds but managed to crack it open. Golden Freddy was the first to barge in, almost knocking Justin off of his feet. His eyes landed on me and he engulfed me with happiness. "Oh, I'm so glad you're safe! I'm so sorry...we were supposed to protect you..."

"It's okay Golden, I promise," I said. "It wasn't your fault."

Freddy, Bonnie, Chica, and Foxy followed him after. They all swarmed us, so relieved that we were safe. Golden Freddy noticed Springtrap sitting and walked to him, who stood up after seeing him approach. Mangle stood up as well, and the family gave their hugs and words of compassion. "It's finally gone?" I overheard Golden Freddy ask Springtrap. "You're finally free?"

Springtrap nodded. "I am."

"Thank the heavens ye kids are safe!" Foxy exclaimed, picked me up, and swung me in his arms before putting me down. I cried out in glee.

"Wait- where are Gizzmo and May?" Golden Freddy wondered, his eyes widened in worry. Shoot. They weren't here! In fact, I couldn't quite recall the last time I had seen them...

The entire group called out their names. "Gizzmo! May!"

Soon enough, the two kids peeped their heads from the hallway. "Is it safe?" May squeaked.

"Oh, my darlings!" Golden Freddy cooed and forced them into a group hug. Neither May or Gizzmo complained as they received the attention from their father. "Where were you?"

"We were hiding in the bathrooms," May confessed, gliding her foot across the floor.

"We heard the commotion coming from here, but figured it would be safer to stay in there..." Gizzmo added. "I'm sorry if ya'll needed our help."

"Nah, I'm glad you kept yourselves safe," I assured them.

"What even happened out here?" May asked.

"Oh boy," Ellie said. "Let's just go home. It's a long story on the way."

I nodded. "Yeah, please, let's get out of here." I held the door open, letting everyone file out one by one until I was last. Well, not quite. Springtrap, Mangle, Gizzmo, and May were glued to their spots. "Aren't you guys coming?"

Springtrap gazed at me with sadness. "Cheyanne, this is our home. We can't come with you."

"But-" I began to protest, but Mangle cut me off. "We've lived here for so long, we'd just like to stay." Both of my parents approached me and I had to stretch my neck upwards with their height. "We hope you understand."

"I do," I said in defeat. By now, the rest of the crowd had gathered back at the door, peering in, attempting to find out what was the hold-up. Golden Freddy stepped back into the building. "You guys aren't coming?" He gazed longfully and his children.

Springtrap shook his head. "We can't."

"Well...surely May and Gizzmo would want to come with?" He looked hopefully at them, but the two kids hesitated.

"We'd prefer to stay here, too," Gizzmo finally said. May nodded her head in shy agreement. Golden Freddy's ears bent downward in dejection. "That's alright. I understand."

"Would you want to stay with us?" Gizzmo asked.

Golden Freddy glanced at me, then at the animatronics, then back to his kids. "I don't think I can either. These idiots need me." He chuckled to show he was joking.

"I heard that!" Raymon shouted from outside.

"Hey, don't worry. We'll come back to visit often!" I said in an attempt to cheer them up.

"Yeah," May raised the pitch in her voice to show she was happy. "And we will too!"

I copied her contagious smile. "Great. Sounds like a plan."

Golden Freddy clapped his hands once. "Perfect. We'll see you next time then, brother."

"Will do, brother," Springtrap responded in the same tone. "See you soon."

"See you soon!" Golden Freddy echoed.

"Bye!!" I said at the same time. Mangle, Gizzmo, and May waved goodbye. I went out the door and Golden Freddy followed, shutting it behind him.

"Sooo...about that long story.." Bonnie said.

Ellie scoffed but laughed. "I thought we would've gotten away from sharing it!"

Chica giggled. "Nope! Cmon, now give us the goods."

"Alright," I exasperated. "It all begins with..." 

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