Sudden Grief

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"No, I do not believe you!" Justin got close and growled in my face, spitting pure fury. "My sister is dead, and that's what you have to say?!"

I stepped back and forced myself to keep my mouth shut, realizing my mistake. My throat closed, and tears blinded my eyes as I regretted the asshole move I just pulled on Justin. Even Raymon, behind us, shook his head at me in disappointment. He went to Justin's side and put an arm around his shoulders in reassurance. I felt jealous that a complete stranger to me was able to comfort Justin more than I could - but I deserved to feel bad. He then turned and began to sob in Raymon's arms while I stood on the side, feeling guilty and awkward. Raymon hugged him tightly and tried to soothe him to no avail. I tried to join in to make up for my regretful outburst, but as soon as Justin felt my touch, he pulled away. "We need to take her home; we gotta get her somewhere safe-" He bent down to pick up Rachell's body.

Raymon pulled him away by the shoulder, exclaiming, "No! We need to tell the authorities. This is a crime scene."

"No!" I protested his statement. "Don't you see? It's those monsters. The giant claw marks, hello?! What else could've done that? If we tell the authorities, they ain't gonna believe us, and then we'll be suspects!" My words came out in an irritated snap, which only enraged Justin more. Raymon had no idea what I was talking about, so he stepped back as Justin approached me.

"Cheyanne, can you shut up for once about these nightmares of yours? They aren't real! Repeat after me. They. Aren't. Fucking. Real. It's all nonsense, okay? It's all made up in your head! Now, can you snap back into reality and realize the real situation we're in?"

"But Justin-"

"No!" Justin shouted at me, infuriated. "If you're not gonna help, go home. I don't need someone who's not going to help me grieve for my sister." Tears streamed down his face, both from rage and grief.

I stood there staring helplessly at Justin and couldn't help but feel a sense of hopelessness wash over me. I watched as his face twisted in anger, and his eyes turned bloodshot and wild as he panted from the effort of his outburst. It was as if he was a completely different person, one that I didn't recognize. I'd definitely never seen this side of him, and it terrified me. I watched him transform in silence, my heart heavy with grief and confusion. He returned that same stare; only his was filled with hate.

Without saying another word, I turned away from him, my eyes stinging with unshed tears. As I began to walk home, I felt a deep sense of regret wash over me. I knew that Justin needed help, and it's not that I backed off because I didn't want to, but I just couldn't handle it at that moment. The loss of Rachell had hit me hard, and I was emotionally and mentally drained. She's dead. Gone. And I loved her as if she were my own sister, too. I watched her grow up. I guess that made me selfish, too, leaving him just like that, but I figured he wouldn't want me there anyway. I felt guilty for not standing by Justin when he needed me the most. But I felt like my own pain, grief, and shock made it impossible for me to be there for him in the way that he needed.

As I walked away, I could sense Justin's hurt and disappointment. But he didn't try to stop me; instead, he chose to stand there and watch me leave. Raymon was standing next to him, his expression unreadable.

As I walked home, my mind resorted back to thoughts of the nightmare that had been haunting me. It was so vivid and disturbing that surely it had to be real! But why was I obsessed with it? Perhaps it was because of the strange coincidence that had preceded it. Something in my gut warned me it wasn't just a dream, that it was something more ominous. And then there was Rachell - her lifeless body marked with deep claw marks, just like the ones those creatures had. But they couldn't exist in the real world, right? They were just figments of my imagination, something like Freddy Krueger. But despite this, this nightmare refused to leave me alone, and the fact that nobody believed me made it worse. I sighed as I picked up my pace, hurrying to get home. Perhaps my parents knew a way to give me closure.

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