Hauntings (pt.3)

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Cheyanne's POV

"Do you have any idea where Springtrap could have taken them?" I asked Justin as we ran up the stairs to use the phone to call Ellie and Raymon.

Justin paused on the stairs, trying to remember. "H-He told me to meet him at the park..." His voice trailed off, but he soon regained it and said, "Cheyanne, I don't think he wants them. He wants us."

Continuing up the stairs, I said puzzled, "But then why wouldn't he just take you?"

"I don't know. Maybe so we're all together. I mean, think about it. He kidnapped our only line of defense, knowing that the four of us would have to get together to help them because me and you wouldn't be able to do it ourselves. I'm not saying we shouldn't help them, just that we need to be careful."

That is good reasoning.

I didn't say anything out loud, just going up onto the second floor. The phone was at the end of the hallway, on a small table. I go over to it, pick it up, and dial Ellie's number. As it rang, I asked Justin, "Are you okay?" and remembered the way he was clutching his stomach when I came downstairs.

"Yeah, I'm fine."

I wasn't able to answer before Ellie picked up. "Hello?"

"Hi," I replied. "Listen, we got a problem." I proceeded to explain everything that Justin told me.

"So, will you meet us at the park?" I asked.

"Oh my god, yes! Of course! I'll head there now!"

"Great, okay. See you soon," I said and hung up the phone.

"Ellie's on her way to the park now," I explained to Justin. He nodded acknowledgment and held his hand out. "Let me call Raymon."

I handed the phone to him as he called Raymon. I didn't even listen to Justin's side of the conversation because I was too fraught with worry.

When Justin hung up, he reported to me. "I told Raymon everything, and he's also on his way to the park."

"I guess we should get going too," I said and headed for the stairs.

"Cheyanne," Justin said, and I turned around. "Yeah?"

"This goes to both of us; remember to be careful out there."

Justin's POV

Right as Cheyanne and I left the house and shut the door behind us, I thought I heard something. Like, a ringing.

"Wait," I told Cheyanne. "Do you hear that?"

She paused. "Yeah. Is that the upstairs phone?"

"I think it is." I went back into the house and rushed for the phone before we missed the call. I never knew that it rang that loud.

I answered it as Cheyanne caught up to me. "Hello?"

"Hey man, I'm here at the park and-" Raymon's voice came over the phone.

"You're already there?!" I interrupted him. "What, do you live six blocks away or something?!"

Raymon went silent for a few seconds. "Pretty close to that, yeah," he eventually replied. His voice was no more than a whisper.

"But listen," he continued. "You were right. Springtrap is here with the animatronics. They all do look haunted...they're just standing there, really still. Springtrap is pacing around, checking bushes. I think he's trying to find us. I better get back out onto the street...."

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