Hauntings (pt. 2)

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Cheyanne's POV

A few days later, I had practically recovered. All I did was lay in bed and sleep for those few days. I also drank lots of fluids and took some Tylenol on the side, but overall, it wasn't too bad. This morning, I was finally feeling better, and all the symptoms I was feeling before were gone. I was no longer dizzy; I could walk like normal, and I didn't speak like a drunk. Justin's leg was perfectly fine, too. His injury wasn't bad at all, and he was healed within two days. When he removed the bandages, a fresh scar was implanted on his leg. On this particular morning, I was heading down the stairs right after waking up. Justin must have heard me come down, and he hollered from the kitchen, "Hey, Cheyanne. Come look at this!"

I wasn't sure how he knew it was me stomping down the stairs, but I was still too sleepy to care. I walked toward him and said, "What?" like I wasn't interested, but I was. He was reading the newspaper. "They're closing down the new pizzeria that just opened," Justin said.

"What?!" I said, more alert now.

"Yeah. Do you know about the murders there a few months ago?" Justin asked.

"No," I replied.

"Well, it happened again. Except for the last time, there were five. This time, there's only three."

"Wow," I breathed. "Well, I'm going out. See you later!" I called out as I went through the door. I didn't really care about the murders or the pizzeria closing, although it did seem weird. This new one had only been open roughly for a few months or so. It was built after the animatronics "disappeared" from the old one. Without their mascots, they were pretty much nothing. Kids never wanted to visit. Employees dressed up in terribly made costumes and tried to perform for the children, but as expected, the shows were horrible. Gradually, they kept losing business, so no business meant no pizzeria. But now that this new one had a series of murders since its opening, and now they were apparently closing. I don't blame them for that. I wasn't sure what was going to happen with the brand-new mascots; they would probably be scrapped.

Justin never questioned why or where I was going, so I nonchalantly walked out of the house and began my stroll with a specific destination in mind. As I rounded the corner twenty minutes later, I saw the store "K-K." I was here to get Justin a present. His birthday was tomorrow now.

When I walked into the store, the air got chilly all of a sudden. My nerves and fears started to come up, but I pushed them away the best I could. From the entrance, I went straight to the jewelry department. I could feel myself sweating as I approached.

The lady there seemed nice, and she asked me, "Hello. How may I help you?"

Taking a deep breath, my hands trembling behind the counter, I said, "Hi. Can you tell me where the jewelry customization is?"

"Right here," the lady said.

Embarrassed, I asked, "Oh. In that case, would you make a bracelet for me, please?"

"Sure. Can you give me a description?"

"I would like the chain to be silver, cable style, and 0.7 inches thick." While I was describing the bracelet, the lady was writing it on a notepad. I continued my description. "A spring-ring clasp. Made out of beads, red and black alternating. Only one charm; a silver, plastic skull. Can you do all of that?" My voice came out a little choked toward the end as if I was about to cry. God, I hated talking to people.

"Of course," the lady said when she finished writing it down, taking no note of my voice. "The total comes out to be thirty-nine ninety-nine. And can I get a name, please?"

"Cheyanne Zoete," I replied. It was a bit spendy for me, yes, but I knew about this and had saved up my allowance for months. I had enough before my parents...you know.

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