Time to Play

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Ellie's POV

My heart dropped as Gabe's words echoed in my head. But don't think that you're leaving with them that easily. What did he mean by that? Did he do something with our guardians, expecting we'd pick Rachell? What did he want with us? Why couldn't we leave freely? Why does this always happen to us? As the questions reeled in my head, an intense, overwhelmed feeling washed over me, accompanied by a headache. At that moment, I knew we would not leave without a fight. My gaze swept across each of our foes - the Nightmares - and I analyzed their figures. Gigantic, unstoppable, undefeatable metal creatures capable of killing a child with a singular bite.

We...are children.

I swallowed, suddenly feeling glad that I was chosen to sneak off and rescue the other animatronics. But that also meant each of my friends was in danger - and Golden Freddy popped into my head, waiting outside. He would protect them, surely? But the fact that we're vastly outnumbered may mean that even he won't be enough to prevent any accidents from happening. I glanced at each of my friends, relishing our relationship and the moments I've had with them. We've all come so far, been through thick and thin, and now this may be where it all comes to an end. Somebody, if not all of us, may not leave this building today. Fear accompanied the feeling of being overwhelmed. I realized just exactly how vital my role was, now being in the situation. If I couldn't find and rescue our guardians, none of us standing in this room may live to see another day.

They want our souls...That one thought answered all my previous questions. We're not allowed to collect our friends and leave because they have a purpose for us. My feet and legs began to tremble in my sneakers. What would happen if they succeeded? Would we be dead with no conscience...or would I be able to watch the world through my captive soul?

I have to find a way to sneak past! All the Nightmares currently blocked the hallway, and my focus shifted to the yellow one, similar to Golden Freddy, with the tongue poking out on a gap along its stomach. I shivered. I surely hope none of us had to deal with that. And I wasn't sure if Nightmare was the scariest anymore, as the tales said. This thing might just have taken his spot.

My group was frozen in place. Justin slid his hand on Fang's leash toward the clip, ready to unleash him. The dog cringed at the sight of the Nightmares but stood defiant, prepared to spring forward to protect his saviors. A low growl rumbled deep in his throat, sounding like a ferocious beast. Gabe, noticing Fang's aggressiveness, backed away casually, but the worry in his eyes was apparent. The Nightmares surrounded him, defending him from any potential threat. Tension swirled in the air, and everybody stiffened up, like two cats in a face-off before launching at each other.

As Justin handed me Fang's leash in silence, I couldn't help but feel puzzled. But before I could ask him any questions, he stepped forward with outstanding bravery, cracking his neck with his hands. He drew one sword out and twirled it a couple of times before pointing the blade toward the ground, ready for whatever was about to happen. Cheyanne yelled at him to come back, but he ignored her and continued taking small steps forward until he stood face-to-face with the goldish-yellow Nightmare animatronic, who was currently in the front of the group. The bear narrowed his small red eyes, glaring threateningly at Justin, but without a command from Gabe, did not move.

As I stood at a distance, my eyes fixed on the monstrous creature before him, a strange sensation crept over me. I observed as the mouth on its stomach opened slightly, revealing rows of sharp, jagged teeth while the giant tongue swirled around them. You would expect to hear the metal clicks and gears turning, but there was none. It was as if this part of him was...natural. I couldn't help but stare at the terrifying sight, wondering where Justin had found the courage to stand face-to-face with the beast. At my feet, Fang whimpered in fear, hiding behind me from the monstrous creature that also represented our friend, Cheyanne's uncle.

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