Piercing Hearts

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Raymon's POV

After my command, I watched Ellie sprint back down the hallway. She had found May and, assumingly, Gizzmo, as I'd expect the two siblings to be together - but where were the others? I wasn't sure how much longer we could last; we were all growing exhausted, and the Nightmares weren't planning on backing down anytime soon. In fact, they seemed to be gaining strength from our weakness. Even Golden Freddy was weary; he still fought with persistence, but I could see it in his movements. I knew I had reinjured my forearm that Fang damaged; it was burning and seething in agony, and fresh blood was beginning to soak through the bandages. I had promised Justin to flee when that happened, but we didn't expect to be fighting alone for this long, and I couldn't leave them by themselves during this mess.

I was holding down Nightmare Bonnie with my sword, which I was afraid was about to break anytime soon. It could be my imagination, but the metal felt to be getting flimsier with every swipe. The rabbit wasn't bothering to struggle beneath me, although he could throw me off with one motion. In fact, as I turned my attention toward him, knowing Ellie was safe, he appeared lifeless. His head was tilted to the side, his jaw slacked. His eyes were closed, but I stared at the eyelids skeptically. Was he playing dead? Was he waiting for me to be caught off-guard?

With a cautious step back, I withdrew my sword from the animatronic rabbit's metal frame. The blade's exit caused a shower of sparks and a series of electric crackles that echoed through the room. Nightmare Bonnie remained motionless. I watched with quivering breath, my sword poised, as his hand twitched slightly, ready to strike again if he were to come to life. But his eyes remained shut, and his figure remained still, giving me a sense of confused relief. I recalled where I pierced Bonnie, trying to make sense of it all: the heart. Then, it all clicked, and I shouted to my friends, "The heart! The heart!"

"Their weakness is the heart!"

When my voice penetrated the air, Golden Freddy's eyes moved away from the animatronic in front of him, Nightmare Chica. They flickered to me, to Nightmare Bonnie, then back to Chica. In that split second, he had analyzed the situation and had made sense of it. To my sword raised in defense, Bonnie's lifeless form, and the sparks flying from his chest. He gasped silently, dodging an attack from Chica at the same time, "Of course! Why didn't I think of that?"

In the time that I was helping Ellie to safety, I noticed that Golden Freddy, Cheyanne, and Justin had formed a defensive cluster to ward off the attacks from the four Nightmares. Cheyanne was using her agility to distract them, wrapping around their legs and cutting various wires, most of which were ignored. Golden Freddy and Justin stood firm and kept them at bay, preventing themselves from being harmed. Golden Freddy guided her into the cluster and positioned her in between him and Justin. He snatched her knife, and Cheyanne was taken aback for a moment, but she realized he had a plan. She huddled closer to both of them, seeking protection. He immediately drove the knife into Nightmare Chica, and I heard the audible ring of metal on metal fill the room.

After that, the room went silent. From a distance, I observed as Nightmare Chica was pushed back from the force of the stab, but she remained on her feet. The knife was wedged deep into her chest, in the exact spot the heart would be. More electric sparks crackled, and Chica stared at the other Nightmares with shock and disbelief. They all backed up, stunned - and fearful? - at the scene, releasing my friends from the deadly circle. Chica's clawed hands found their way to the knife and, grasping it tightly pulled it out. But at that exact moment, she collapsed. Her neck and hands twitched a few times, sparks still flying before going still. Fredbear gazed at the body with disgust and dissatisfaction as if his comrade had failed a task. The other Nightmares were the opposite; they were horrified. They no longer appeared fearless and menacing, full of hate, but instead, terrified and cornered animals.

Animatronics AwakenOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora