The Hidden Room

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Ellie's POV

I stared at the note in my trembling hands, praying the words would magically go away. How did they know I was the one who would be in here? I took one finger and brushed it against the paper, feeling a wet substance on top of the gritty material. I flipped my hand over, gasping when dripping ink was stained on my fingers. I tensely glanced up and scanned the room, realizing that someone must be hiding in the shadows for the ink to be fresh. Nobody shifted in the darker corners of the room, and I couldn't hear anything either. But then, it was difficult to focus on anything besides the clamor still coming from the main room.

I flipped the paper over, desperate for more answers, a hint, or anything. Surprisingly enough, more words were splattered on the back with fresh ink, slightly smeared from it lying on the floor. Find the secret room.

I gaped at the dirtied, yellow paper. Secret room? In here? Or in the pizzeria? How the hell was I supposed to find a secret room? Several confusing thoughts swirled in my head, making me overwhelmed. I took a deep breath and pushed them out, then glanced once more at the note. In the bottom left corner, under the message, was a colored-in-black circle with several arrows pointing to it from all sides. I instinctively pulled the note to my chest, feeling an urge to clutch and protect it. Almost instantly, I dropped it onto the floor, realizing too late that the fresh ink had smeared onto my shirt, leaving dark streaks. I brushed my shirt, to which the ink transferred to my hands. Rolling my eyes, I stood up and observed the room.

The lights didn't shine any different than the last time I had been here; it was still brightly lit in the larger area I stood in but grew increasingly dark where the elongated wall separated the smaller room. They flickered from time to time, making me worried that they were about to go out. Nothing was in the lit portion of the room except for dust and maybe a little mold on the walls. My eyes adverted to the cramped, dark area. If the secret room were in here, that would be the entrance. I shivered, paranoid that someone may be hiding in those shadows, watching me, observing me. I pulled the flashlight out of my pocket, my thumb on the "on" switch. Closing my eyes, I flipped it on, aiming for the darkness.

When nothing stirred, I slowly opened my eyes, feeling my muscles tense as I did. The flashlight lit up the blackness dimly, and nothing could be seen from where I was standing. I slowly stepped forward to peer around the corner, my footsteps silent. Upon seeing nothing there either, my heart slowed down a little but still beat with the importance of the situation. If I couldn't solve this puzzle and get the animatronics free, all of us were doomed. A thin, brown shelf lined the wall in the smaller area, coated in mold and dust, making it appear filthy and neglected. The air in this space was musty and stale as if it hadn't been occupied in years.

I brushed my fingers across the shelf, which was right above my height, and I had to stand on my tip-toes to reach it. I scowled as I felt loads of dust and something else unpleasant lather my hand. Without looking at my hand, I wiped it on my shirt, ridding it of any dirt and grime. Disappointment filled me that nothing was there, and I desperately examined the walls for any clue to the puzzle. The black circle on the back of the paper kept running through my mind, trying to figure out what it meant. A button? A drawing on the wall? And the arrows...I obviously had to find something here, but what would it be?

I found myself pressing on tiles, hoping that one would give in and reveal the clue that I needed. All of them were solid; there was no indication of anything caving in. Frustrated, I gave up and made sure to check the corners, even the ceiling: no arrows, no button, absolutely nothing. I sighed and turned away from the small corner, shutting off the flashlight as I entered the illuminated area once again. I dreaded the thought of the secret room being somewhere else in the pizzeria, but I don't think there was any other choice. All of my options here have been exhausted.

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