Birthday Surprise

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Four weeks later

Cheyanne's POV

"Alright...3...2...1." I released my hands from over Justin's eyes and jumped in front of him. At the same time, everyone in the room screamed, "Surprise!"

Justin's eyes widened with amazement at the scene before him. We went all out with this one; balloons, little party hats (because why not?), various decorations, pizza, cake and ice cream, and of course, the presents.

Ellie, Raymon, me, the animatronics, and Justin himself were all here celebrating his belated birthday.

And while we were gone...I might as well add that I've been worried about Raymon. More and more frequently he's been coming over with several bruises on his face, especially near his eyes. Whenever someone asks, he dismisses it as a bike accident. After all, that's how he gets here since his parents won't let him drive although he legally can. I'm not sure if I believe that, though. One time, he came over with a split and bleeding lip, and his face appeared slightly swollen. Not only that, but he's been wearing long sleeves and pants. Which isn't abnormal in December, but Raymon was one of those who dressed improperly for the weather.

But anyway, we were at Justin's house (and technically mine, now), and I had just surprised him in the living room. We had set up a metal table with metal folding chairs for each of us in the middle; all of which were found in the basement.

Since my present for Justin was gonna be four weeks past his birthday, Ellie, Raymon, the animatronics, and I decided to throw him a big surprise. And I mean big. We pretended that we didn't know it was Justin's birthday on the actual day, even though he hinted about it so many times. And seeing him so down about it after not getting his hints made my heart break, but I knew it would be worth it in the end.

"This is amazing!" Justin exclaimed now. "How could I ever thank you guys?!"

"You don't have to," I replied. "since we're four weeks late. And sorry about that, but my present for you just came in a few days ago, so knowing that we decided to throw you a big party, even if it was late!"

"I don't care if you're late!" Justin said. "In fact, I wouldn't have cared if we didn't celebrate it at all. But now that we're mentioned presents?"

"Well, of course!" Ellie jumped in. "What kind of party is it without presents?!"

"A lame one," Raymon answered before Justin could say anything.

"Come on!" I urged. "Come take a seat."

I led Justin over to the table we set up and sat him down on one of the chairs. Ellie, Raymon, and I gathered around him, excitedly watching him open the presents. The animatronics stood and watched close by, a thoughtful expression on their faces. I wonder if they've ever seen any kind of celebration like this before. Of course they have, right? They used to live in a pizzeria, a place that hosted parties on the daily.

Justin only got three presents; one from each of us. Raymon gave him some Stephen King books. "Only the best," he commented.

"Thanks, bro," Justin replied and gave him a fist bump.

"You're welcome."

Ellie got him a simple, brown leather diary. "I know you've been wanting one," she said.

"You're right," Justin said, examining it. "Thank you!"


"Hah! Just what a new thirteen-year-old needs!" Raymon joked.

"I know, right!" Justin paused. "Wait, I am thirteen!"

"Well of course! You have been for a few weeks now!" Ellie told him.

Animatronics AwakenOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora