The Meeting

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Justin's POV (five and a half hours earlier)

I woke up at exactly 6 A.M and instinctively sat up, panting. I had just survived a really bad nightmare. Well, I wouldn't necessarily say 'survived', but it just seemed so real. Not only did it feel real, but I remember it so vividly. It was about those Nightmare Animatronics from so long ago. I was trapped inside a bedroom, with only a flashlight. I was forced to go from one side of the room to the other, where a door lay on each side. There was also the closet and the bed behind me to worry about. They're the same Nightmare Animatronics that we've been dealing with the past..almost a year. As the sweat poured down my face, I recalled the kid's nightmares he had before he died. The kid from the newspaper whom received a terrible injury on his frontal lobe. If I remember correctly, for it's been a while now, I just had the same exact nightmare that he had described...the same one Cheyanne had described...

It's not some sort of curse, is it? Maybe the nightmares get passed down from child to child...and move on the next as they pass away. I shivered at the thought. If that was the case, there was no possible reason why I would be the next. I never knew the kid, not even his name. Let alone personally. In fact, the only thing we had in common was...


What would happen if I was caught by the Nightmares in my sleep? I'm not sure if it's their real form or just my imagination, if that makes sense. I don't wanna think that's what'll happen to me, but what if...what if the punishment for getting caught is death? Maybe that's what happened to the kid...

I shrugged off the dream and glanced at Cheyanne's sleeping form. I didn't want to think about it anymore. She was twitching in her sleep, obviously dreaming and I couldn't help but wonder what about. Hopefully not the same thing as me. She doesn't deserve that.

I had trouble going back to sleep, so I lay in bed, staring at a wall. I couldn't get the images out of my head and I tossed and turned, trying to shake them out. My attention fell on Cheyanne for some short time as she shifted in her sleep.

Eventually, with some effort, I fell asleep again. I found myself waking up at 1 P.M. Although I slept for seven hours, it felt like one. I glanced next to me. This time, Cheyanne was not there. I would've fallen asleep again, but figured everybody else was awake. I crawled out of bed, feeling a twinge of embarrassment for sleeping in so late. I changed clothes quickly, keeping an eye on the closed door to make sure no one came in. There were no worries.

Stretching one last time, I opened the door and walked out. I heard a door squeak down the hall and twisted my head to see what caused the sound. Ellie was walking out of her room, closing the door behind her. Although we've only made the change to let Ellie move in about a week ago, she was already getting settled in like a rock. She's already said goodbye to her family and transferred all her belongings here. I think she's even organized it all like a normal bedroom.

"Good morning," I called to her.

"Morning," she replied, heading over to me. "Are you awake for food?"

"Well, I just woke up. I could've gone back to sleep, but decided not to."

"Dude, me too!" Ellie exclaimed. "I woke up not too long ago either."

"Cool. To answer your question, I could go for food."

"Great!" She half walked half jogged past me down the hallway, then stopped abruptly and turned around. "You gonna make it?"

"I guess." I rolled my eyes. Since when was I the cook around here? Ellie took the lead downstairs and I followed. At the bottom, she slowed down a little and I did too, confused. Only when I saw what was going on in the living room did I understand why. Cheyanne and all of the animatronics, except for Golden Freddy, were in a circle on the living room floor.

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