Settling In

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Raymon's POV

"You ready for this?" Cheyanne asked. Only about 10 minutes have passed since I announced that I would like to live here.

I was standing in front of the closed door that would change my life forever. My new room. It was located at the end of the upstairs hallway, right across the hall from the animatronics' room.

Ellie, Justin, Cheyanne, the animatronics, and I were all crowded around the door. They all wanted to see my reaction to my new room, already furnished.

Swallowing, excitedly, I replied, "Born ready."

With that, Cheyanne opened the door to the room. Slowly, I stepped inside. My jaw slacked. It was awesome! The walls were painted a misty grey, with a 1 1/2 inch wall trim at the bottom of each one, painted white. There wasn't much decoration at all (after all, it is just a guest bedroom), but that was fine. The bed I would have was a queen, which is already better since I used to have a twin. On either side of the bed was a narrow bookshelf, one filled to the brim with books, the other has empty photo frames. Above the head of the bed, there was a shelf, which connected the two bookshelves. That was empty. At the foot of the bed, there was a grey, fuzzy rug that extended the length of the bed and the rest of the floor was hardwood.

Sitting parallel to the bed was a black study desk, with a cup full of pens and pencils. A notebook sat at the center, right in front of the comfortable chair. I later discovered that it was empty.

On the ceiling was a fan that doubled as a light.

Yeah, the best room I've ever had.

"This is...amazing," I said as I turned to face my friends. "How could I ever thank you enough?"

'"You don't have to," Justin said and stepped in. The others followed him, making the room crowded now. Until now, I was the only one in here. "It's what friends are for."

Then, as a joke, he added, "We're adopting you now. Welcome to the family!" He threw his arms around the room to exaggerate. I smiled with joy but didn't say anything. That smile soon faded. "What are my parents gonna think when they see I'm missing?"

I saw happiness leave everyone's face. With a few moment's hesitation, Justin grabbed my shoulders and replied, "Raymon, look man. For your sake, don't think about them anymore. They did nothing but harm you. I'm not saying that we're a replacement, but you deserve better than that."

"But I can't help but love them. Chase too. I know that they're not good to me, but they're still my parents." I cried out.

Approaching closer to me, Cheyanne said, "And we understand that. Family will be family. But Raymon, I'm sorry to say, but they're toxic. If you go back, I'm afraid that after some time, you'll never be the same."

"That's not what I meant," I said. "I don't want to go back. I still love them, but I know that I can't go back. What I meant is that what if they come looking for me?"

"They might," Golden Freddy admitted. "But they won't know where you are to look. They won't find you. They can't."

"Seriously man," Justin said. "As hard as it might be, leave the past behind. Look into the future, with us."

I stared into space to think about what he just said. "Yeah, you're right," I said after some time. "But it is hard. I'll get used to it. I'm grateful for everything you guys have done. Really. I would rather be here than at home."

"That's great Raymon," Cheyanne said. "Here, we'll leave you alone to think over things."

The others agreed with her. I got hugs from everybody once again. After that, the room emptied, and I was left alone.

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