A Heartfelt Goodbye

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Justin's POV

The five of us stood in front of the pizzeria, apprehensive. It was the morning of the fourth day. I was quivering with excitement and dread. This was it. This is where everything could end. We each had brought our weapons, as discussed previously in the day. Both swords were attached to my back, adding an uncomfortable weight that made it difficult to stand for long periods. Cheyanne also carried a bag containing a flashlight, medical supplies, and her weapon. She took that weapon, a knife, and hid it in her back pocket. We tried convincing Raymon to use a different weapon rather than my sword because of his injured arm, but he refused. Our only option after that was to wait as long as possible to allow his injury to heal. And it did, but not as much as we'd like. It had stopped bleeding a day ago, but when uncovered, the spot that had been torn off still revealed muscle. Although, now, a small seal of new skin was beginning to grow over it. He complained that his arm was still sore, but no pain remained. So, after a long conversation, we agreed to let him come with us and use my weapon AS LONG as he was careful and fled if he was injured again.

I held onto Fang's leash tightly, feeling its rough texture rub against my palms. He rested peacefully at my feet, his warm breaths visible in the early, cold morning air. When we first arrived, he was eager to explore the new surroundings. He had pulled on his leash, wanting to mark his scent on every bush he could find. I knew better than to let him roam free, so I commanded him to sit down, and even though he was initially reluctant, he eventually gave in and sat beside me. Watching over him, I couldn't help but think how crucial he was to our plan. Fang was more than just a pet now; he was a well-trained dog with sharp instincts and a keen sense of obedience. During the days Raymon was recovering, we had spent most of our time training him to be more precise and follow our commands without hesitation. And he had excelled in every session we had. I was confident he was ready for this mission.

Fang's role was simple but vital. He was to keep Gabe distracted the entire time. I knew he would complete the task well, hopefully giving Gabe a few injuries to remember. Although the dog had no idea what was happening, I'm sure he could feel how nervous the rest of us were, and I hoped that didn't reflect on him. I wanted Fang to be stronger than the rest of us. I bent down and stroked his fur, feeling a sense of pride and gratitude. He was more than our dog; he was our ally and partner, and we were lucky to have him by our side for this mission.

We were unsure what awaited us inside this old, decayed building. We had prepared ourselves for the worst, whether it would be a fierce battle or simply walking out after giving Gabe our decision. Considering the Nightmares wanted to use our souls for their benefit, I expected leaving wasn't an option. It was surprising that Gabe gave us the four-day limit at all. It made me wonder why they didn't execute whatever plan they had when we first arrived. Was it part of their twisted game, as Golden Freddy mentioned earlier? I glanced up at the golden bear. I could only guess he was just as nervous as us, but he didn't show it. I shook myself mentally, pushing away my thoughts and fears. We only had one goal, just like them. To rescue our friends and defeat the last evil.

We stood there in silence for what felt like an eternity. Each of us understood the stakes were incredibly high. We were all absorbed in our own thoughts, contemplating the enormity of the task ahead. As we stood there, rooted to the spot, it was as if time had stood still. No one wanted to move or say a word, afraid of breaking the heavy silence that had settled over us. Suddenly, I felt Cheyanne take a deep breath beside me, and I saw her minusculely reach out for my hand. Without hesitation, I graciously reached out and tightly held her hand. It was a small gesture, but it made all the difference in that moment. "So...are we ready for this?" she finally asked the group, breaking the silence. Her voice was barely above a whisper, but it was enough to snap us out of our trance and bring us back to the present.

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