The signs in a murder case

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aries: the murderer - killed cancer out of revenge

taurus: the witness - saw the murdering happen but was blackmailed by gemini not to say a thing

gemini: the lookout - kept watch while aries killed

cancer: the victim - murdered for trying to challenge aries and virgo

leo: the judge - held the ultimate decision on whether aries and gemini should go to jail

virgo: the brains - planned out the murder with aries

libra: get away driver - hid in car with scorpio at time of murder, ready to make a getaway with gemini and aries

scorpio: the sidekick - encouraged the murder to take place

sagittarius: the weapon supplier - gave handgun and knife to aries

capricorn: the defense - defended aries and gemini (capricorn's fellow devil's spawn signs) whilst they were being prosecuted

aquarius: hid the body - teamed up with pisces and buried the body deep in a field

pisces: insider - pretended to be innocent in court case but actually manipulated the situation so that cancer would be killed by aries without pisces having to do anything

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