chapter 1

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In the heart of Mondstadt High, there was a girl named Barbara. She was known for her radiant smile, her kind heart, and her unwavering spirit. Every morning, she would follow a routine that set the tone for her day. This is a glimpse into one of those mornings.

The first rays of dawn peeked through Barbara's window, casting a warm glow on her face. She stirred, her eyes fluttering open to welcome the new day. She glanced at her alarm clock - 6:00 AM, right on schedule. She stretched, her body waking up from its slumber, and hopped out of bed.

First on her morning routine was a quick workout. She believed in the saying, "A healthy body leads to a healthy mind." She would start with some light stretching, followed by a few sets of jumping jacks and push-ups. After her workout, she would take a few minutes to meditate, clearing her mind and setting her intentions for the day.

Next, she would head to the bathroom for her skincare routine. Barbara believed in taking care of her skin, and she had a meticulous routine that she followed religiously. She would cleanse, tone, and moisturize, making sure her skin was clean and hydrated.

After her skincare routine, she would head to the kitchen to prepare her breakfast. She believed in starting her day with a nutritious meal. She would usually have a bowl of oatmeal topped with fresh fruits, along with a glass of freshly squeezed orange juice.

While eating her breakfast, she would go over her schedule for the day. She was a diligent student and liked to plan her day in advance. She would jot down her classes, assignments, and any other tasks she needed to complete.

Once she was done with her breakfast, she would head back to her room to get ready for school. She would pick out her outfit for the day - usually a simple blouse and skirt, paired with her favorite pair of sneakers. She would then brush her teeth, comb her hair, and pack her bag.

Before leaving her house, she would take a few minutes to water her plants. She had a small garden in her backyard, and she loved taking care of her plants. She believed that it was a great way to start her day on a positive note.

Finally, she would grab her bag, put on her headphones, and head out the door. She would usually walk to school, enjoying the fresh morning air and the peaceful quiet before the hustle and bustle of the day began.

As she walked to school, she would listen to her favorite songs, letting the music fill her with energy and positivity. She would greet her neighbors, wave at her friends, and take a moment to appreciate the beauty of Mondstadt.

By the time she reached school, she was ready to face whatever the day had in store for her. She was Barbara, the girl with the radiant smile, the kind heart, and the unwavering

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