chapter 20

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In the vibrant halls of Mondstadt High, Barbara, the beloved school idol, made her way to class with her close friend, Venti. The two of them shared a special bond, always bringing joy and laughter wherever they went.

As they entered the classroom, their classmates couldn't help but notice the undeniable connection between Barbara and Venti. During lunchtime, as they sat together, their friends Amber, Lumine, Jean, and Fischl couldn't help but speculate about their relationship. They whispered excitedly, wondering if there was something more than friendship between the two.

Little did they know, their suspicions were correct. After school, Barbara made the decision to spend the day with Venti. They embarked on a delightful adventure, exploring the charming streets They laughed, shared stories, and indulged in delectable pastries from the local bakery.

As they strolled through the city, Barbara and Venti talked about their dreams, their Day, and how they had fun. They shared interests and found solace in each other's company. It was a day filled with warmt

As the sun began to set, Barbara and Venti returned home, their hearts full of happiness. Barbara enjoyed a delicious dinner with her family, recounting the events of the day with a smile. She then slipped into her cozy nightgown, feeling content and at peace.

Barbara's Adventure In mondstadt HighWhere stories live. Discover now