chapter 10

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As the upcoming exams loomed closer, Barbara knew she needed to buckle down and study. Determined to make the process more enjoyable, she decided to text her friends Jean, Amber, Sucrose, Lumine, and Fischl, suggesting they study together as a group.

To her delight, they all agreed, recognizing the benefits of collaborative learning. Barbara mustered the courage to ask if her dear friend Venti would like to join them. With an enthusiastic response, Venti eagerly accepted the invitation, excited to spend time with Barbara and the rest of their friends.

As the group gathered at a cozy café, the aroma of freshly brewed coffee and the sweet scent of pastries filled the air. They settled at a spacious table, armed with textbooks, notebooks, and colorful highlighters.

Fishcl, ever the curious one, couldn't resist asking Barbara if she and Venti were finally dating. Barbara's face flushed a deep shade of red, caught off guard by the question. With a shy smile, she kindly declined, explaining that they were just good friends.

With the topic settled, they delved into their studies, supporting and encouraging one another along the way. They took turns explaining difficult concepts, quizzing each other, and sharing study tips. The café buzzed with their laughter and lively discussions, creating an atmosphere of productivity and camaraderie.

Amidst the focused studying, they took breaks to indulge in delicious desserts and warm cups of tea. The sweet treats provided a much-needed boost of energy, fueling their determination to conquer the challenging material before them.

As the sun began its descent, casting a warm golden glow through the café windows, they realized that the day had passed quickly. They packed up their belongings, bidding the café farewell with promises to return soon.

Outside, the vibrant hues of the sunset painted the sky, creating a breathtaking backdrop for their goodbyes. They exchanged heartfelt words of encouragement and support, grateful for the bond they shared.

Venti couldn't help but feel a sense of happiness as he got to meet Barbara's friends and spend time with her. He cherished the opportunity to be a part of her life and to witness the strong friendships she had cultivated. Barbara, too, felt a surge of joy knowing that Venti had seamlessly integrated into her circle of friends.

As they parted ways, each heading home, they carried with them a sense of accomplishment and contentment. Barbara, in the quiet of her room, couldn't deny the feelings she had for Venti. She acknowledged her growing crush on him, allowing herself to embrace the possibility of something more.

With hearts filled with happiness and minds at ease, they drifted off to sleep, their dreams filled with visions of friendship, laughter, and the potential for a deeper connection. They slept peacefully, knowing that they had spent a day filled with both productivity and joy, and that their journey together was just beginning.

Barbara's Adventure In mondstadt Highحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن