chapter 14

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Barbara's heart raced as she sat in class, contemplating whether or not to confess her feelings to Venti. The fear of rejection and the embarrassment that might follow held her back, causing her to doubt herself. Little did she know, Venti was going through the same internal struggle.

During a particularly boring lecture, Barbara and Venti found themselves engrossed in a conversation, whispering back and forth, oblivious to the teacher's watchful eyes. Miss Lisa, the strictest teacher in the school, caught wind of their distraction and swiftly intervened.

"Barbara, Venti, what do you think you're doing? That's enough! Detention for both of you!" Miss Lisa scolded, her stern voice echoing through the classroom. Barbara's friends facepalmed in disbelief, knowing that their innocent conversation had landed them in trouble.

As the school day came to an end, Barbara and Venti found themselves outside the school gates, contemplating the events of the day. They began to walk, their footsteps echoing on the pavement as they engaged in a heartfelt conversation.

Barbara hesitated, her heart pounding in her chest. She mustered the courage to speak up, her voice filled with vulnerability. "Venti, there's something I've been meaning to tell you..."

Before she could finish her sentence, they were interrupted by a stranger who had been observing them from afar. The stranger, who had once tried to confess his feelings to Barbara, felt a surge of jealousy and anger. He approached them, his voice laced with threat.

"If you get close to Barbara, I'll make sure you regret it," the stranger snarled, his eyes filled with malice.

Venti, though taken aback, stood tall and confident. He refused to let anyone intimidate him or come between him and Barbara. With a calm yet firm demeanor, he pushed the stranger away, protecting Barbara from harm.

Barbara's heart swelled with admiration for Venti's bravery and unwavering support. She grabbed his arm, seeking comfort and reassurance in his presence. Together, they walked away from the confrontation, leaving the stranger behind.

As they made their way home, their conversation shifted, allowing them to process the events of the day. They spoke of their fears, their hesitations, and the newfound strength they found in each other's company.

Barbara realized that Venti's unwavering confidence and protective nature only deepened her feelings for him. She couldn't deny the connection they shared

Barbara's Adventure In mondstadt HighWhere stories live. Discover now