chapter 6

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Barbara, accompanied by her friends Amber and Jean, walked to school together, enjoying the morning breeze and the lively chatter. However, this particular morning, Amber and Jean seemed to be in a teasing mood. They couldn't resist poking fun at Barbara, making her blush and flustered with their playful remarks.

As they continued their walk, the teasing persisted, causing Barbara to feel a mix of embarrassment and frustration. She tried her best to brush off their comments, but deep down, she wished they would stop.

Just as they were nearing the school, they noticed Venti approaching from the opposite direction. Amber and Jean's teasing suddenly took a different tone, as they both started blushing and excused themselves, leaving Barbara alone with Venti.

Barbara and Venti continued walking together, engaging in light-hearted conversation about various topics. They laughed and shared stories, enjoying each other's company. However, their pleasant moment was abruptly disrupted when a stranger walked up to Barbara, confessing his feelings for her.

Barbara felt incredibly uncomfortable and didn't know how to respond. Sensing her unease, Venti swiftly intervened, stepping in between Barbara and the stranger. The stranger, angered by Venti's interference, grabbed Barbara's hand, refusing to let go.

Venti's protective instincts kicked in, and he pushed the stranger away, defending Barbara from his aggressive behavior. The situation quickly escalated into a physical altercation, with Venti and the stranger engaged in a heated fight.

Barbara stood in shock, unable to comprehend the sudden turn of events. The commotion attracted the attention of other students, who either rushed to tell the teacher about the fight or gathered around to watch.

Amidst the chaos, Aether and Lumine, two other classmates, tried to intervene and calm the situation, but their efforts proved futile. The fight continued, with Venti fiercely defending himself and Barbara.

Finally, the teacher arrived, putting an end to the fight and separating Venti and the stranger. They were all escorted to the principal's office to address the situation.

In the principal's office, Venti bravely confessed the truth about the incident, explaining that he had acted out of defense for Barbara's safety. Barbara, still in shock, found her voice and corroborated Venti's account, telling the principal what had truly transpired.

Meanwhile, the other guy was taken to the nurse's office to treat his injuries. The principal carefully considered both sides of the story and made the decision to suspend Venti for a week due to his involvement in the fight and the use of violence on school grounds.

Barbara couldn't help but feel a sense of guilt and sympathy for Venti. She understood that he had acted out of a desire to protect her and was now facing consequences for his actions. However, the principal acknowledged Barbara's innocence in the situation and excused her from any disciplinary action.

As they left the principal's office, Barbara approached Venti, expressing her gratitude for his bravery and apologizing for the trouble he had to endure because of her. Venti, understanding Barbara's feelings, reassured her that he would be fine and that he didn't regret standing up for her.

The incident brought Barbara and Venti even closer together, strengthening their bond of friendship. They supported each other through the aftermath of the fight, knowing that they could rely on one another in times of trouble.

As the week progressed, Barbara couldn't shake off the feeling of guilt and concern for Venti. She made it her mission to be there for him, offering her support and reminding him that their friendship meant the world to her.

In the end, the incident served as a reminder of the importance of standing up for one another and the strength of their friendship. Barbara and Venti emerged from the ordeal with a deeper connection, ready to face whatever challenges came their way.

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