chapter 21

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Once upon a time in Mondstadt High, Barbara, a kind-hearted student, woke up to the gentle rays of the morning sun streaming through her window. She stretched lazily, feeling refreshed after a good night's sleep. As she got out of bed, she couldn't help but admire the beautiful sunrise painting the sky with vibrant hues of orange and pink.

After a quick shower, Barbara made her way to the kitchen, where her favorite breakfast, a bowl of cereal, awaited her. She savored each bite while thinking about the day ahead. Today was going to be a special day because she would be spending it with her friends, Amber, Jean, and Fishcl.

As Barbara grabbed her bag and headed towards the door, she noticed her friends waiting for her outside. With smiles on their faces, they greeted her warmly, and together they walked to school, chatting and laughing along the way. It was always a joyous start to the day when they were together.

In class, during lunch break, the other girls were engrossed in their own conversations, but Barbara's attention was captivated by Venti, who was sitting next to Aether. She couldn't help but admire his carefree and charismatic nature. Jean, who noticed Barbara's fascination, suggested that both of them hang out together since they were already in a relationship.

Barbara felt a mixture of excitement and nervousness at the idea. She had always admired Venti from afar, but the thought of spending more time with him made her heart flutter. After school, summoning her courage, Barbara approached Venti and asked if they could hang out for the rest of the day. To her delight, he agreed, and they decided to go to a nearby restaurant for dinner and catch a movie afterwards.

As they sat across from each other at the restaurant, Barbara couldn't help but feel a special Feeling between them. They laughed, shared stories, and enjoyed each other's company. Little did Barbara know, Venti had been planning this outing as a date for quite some time, but he had been too nervous to ask her. Fortunately, Barbara's invitation had come at just the right moment.

After a delightful evening, Venti kindly escorted Barbara home. They walked hand in hand, enjoying the quiet streets and the twinkling stars above. Barbara couldn't help but feel a sense of warmth and happiness in Venti's presence.

As they bid each other goodnight, Barbara couldn't contain her excitement and joy. She felt like she was floating on cloud nine. She climbed into bed, her heart filled with beautiful memories of the day. With a contented smile on her face she was about to sleep but someone......

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