chapter 26

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Once upon a time, Barbara and Jean were thrilled about the upcoming Ice Festival at their school. The festival promised an array of exciting activities such as food stands, game stalls, and even themed cafes organized by various clubs. The girls decided to coordinate their outfits for the event, opting for matching sky blue and white scarves and boots, along with a light reddish-brown scarf.

On the day of the festival, they eagerly stepped out of their homes, bundled up in their cozy attire. As they arrived at the school, they couldn't help but be amazed by the breathtaking decorations that adorned every corner. The school had been transformed into a magical winter wonderland, with sparkling lights and snowflakes hanging from the ceilings.

Their first stop was the much-anticipated maid/butler café planned by the Fishcl club. As they entered, they were greeted by a cutesy atmosphere and the delightful aroma of freshly brewed coffee. To their surprise, they spotted Sucrose, a shy classmate, dressed in a maid's outfit. Barbara and Jean exchanged surprised glances but decided to join Sucrose at her table.

As they sat down, they engaged in friendly conversation, catching up on each other's lives. They ordered some delectable sweets from the menu and savored every bite. Meanwhile, Fishcl, the mastermind behind the maid café, approached their table to promote the event. Barbara and Jean were impressed by Fishcl's dedication and the success of her planned maid cafe.

After enjoying their time at the café, Barbara and Jean decided to explore the festival separately for a while. Barbara headed towards the fun game stalls, even though she wasn't particularly skilled at games. With determination, she tried her luck at a ball-tossing game and, to her surprise, managed to hit the ball into one of the cups. Her victory was rewarded with a cute small bunny plushie, which instantly brought a wide smile to her face.

Feeling ecstatic about her win, Barbara ran into her friend Amber, who happened to be at the festival too. They spent the rest of the evening chatting, laughing, and immersing themselves in the festive atmosphere. The night was filled with joy and warmth as they created beautiful memories together.

As the festival came to a close, Barbara reflected on the incredible day she had experienced. The vibrant decorations, the delicious treats, the successful maid café, and the fun games had made it a truly unforgettable event. She couldn't wait to share her stories with Jean and relive the magical moments they had shared.

Sorry I have been sick for the past year or days!!

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 20 ⏰

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