chapter 23

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in a bustling city, there was a school where Barbara and Venti were best friends. They were known for their lively discussions about everything under the sun, from the latest music trends to the most complex scientific theories. One day, they found themselves standing in front of the school, their hearts pounding with anticipation. The biggest exam of the year was about to begin.

As they walked into the school, the air was thick with tension. Students were huddled in corners, flipping through their notes one last time, their faces pale with anxiety. But Barbara and Venti, along with their friends, were calm and collected. They had prepared well and were confident in their abilities.

The exam started, and the room fell silent except for the scratching of pens on paper. Many students were struggling, their brows furrowed in concentration. But Barbara, Venti, and their friends Amber, Jean, and Fischl were doing okay. They worked through the questions methodically, their pens moving swiftly across the paper.

However, when they reached the last question, Barbara felt a pang of confusion. She looked around and saw that her friends were also stumped. But two other students, Neuvillette and Furina, seemed to be doing just fine. They were writing away, their faces calm and composed.

Finally, the exam ended. The students handed in their papers, their faces flushed with relief. When the scores were announced, Barbara had scored an 89, which was a passing grade. Her friends Amber, Jean, and Fischl had scored an impressive 99, while Furina and Neuvillette had aced the exam with a perfect 100%. The teacher was proud of them all, their hard work had paid off.

Lunchtime rolled around, and the students filed into the cafeteria. Barbara and her friends found a table and started chatting about the exam. They couldn't help but feel a twinge of jealousy towards Furina and Neuvillette. But they also realized that they needed to focus more on their studies.

As the day came to an end, they all said their goodbyes and headed home. They were tired but satisfied with their performance. That night, they went to bed early, their minds already preparing for the next big exam. They knew they had to work harder, but they were ready for the challenge. After all, they were not just classmates, but a team, ready to face any obstacle together.

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