chapter 17

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Barbara and her friends gathered in the school gymnasium, eagerly waiting for their partners to arrive. The atmosphere was filled with excitement and anticipation as students filled the dance floor, swaying to the music and enjoying the festivities.

Barbara, accompanied by Venti, looked around the room, searching for Jean and Diluc, as well as Fishcl and Amber. They found them sitting together, laughing and chatting, enjoying each other's company. While some couples danced, Jean, Fishcl, and Amber opted to relax and savor the delicious food and drinks available.

As the night progressed, the time came for the announcement of the prom king and queen. The anticipation in the room was palpable as the announcer's voice boomed through the speakers. The crowd held their breath, waiting to hear the names.

"The prom king for tonight is... Diluc!" The room erupted with applause and cheers as Diluc made his way to the stage, a proud smile on his face. Barbara and her friends clapped enthusiastically, happy for their friend's well-deserved recognition.

The announcer's voice echoed once again, "And now, for tonight's prom queen... Barbara!" Barbara's eyes widened in shock, her heart pounding with disbelief. She couldn't believe her ears. Her friends cheered and encouraged her to go up on stage, despite Jean's initial anger at the announcer for pairing Diluc and Barbara as prom king and queen.

Feeling a mix of surprise and nervousness, Barbara took a deep breath and walked towards the stage. The crowd erupted in applause, celebrating her as she stood there, wearing a crown and holding a bouquet of flowers. She looked out at her friends, their smiles and encouragement giving her the confidence to embrace this unexpected honor.

Jean's initial anger faded away as she realized that it wasn't Barbara's fault. She joined the applause, proud of her friend's achievement. The prom continued with dancing and laughter, the students reveling in the joyous atmosphere.

As the night drew to a close, Venti escorted Barbara to her house, their steps filled with a mix of surprise and happiness. They bid each other goodbye, promising to cherish the memories they had made together. Barbara entered her house, still in awe of being crowned prom queen alongside Jean's partner, Diluc.

As she settled into bed, Barbara's mind was filled with a sense of peace and contentment. She had experienced a night full of surprises, laughter, and unexpected recognition. She drifted off to sleep, grateful for the friendships she had and the memories that would forever hold a special place in her heart.

Barbara's Adventure In mondstadt HighWhere stories live. Discover now