chapter 3

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In the lively classrooms of Mondstadt High, Barbara was engrossed in a conversation with her friends - Jean, Amber, Sucrose, and Fischl. They were discussing their school projects, upcoming exams, and the latest gossip. Suddenly, Venti, the school's resident bard, passed by their table.

"Good morning, Barbara," Venti greeted, his eyes twinkling with mischief before he walked away.

The girls immediately started teasing Barbara about Venti. "You two would make a cute couple," Amber teased, winking at Barbara.

Barbara blushed, flustered by their teasing. "We're just friends!" she protested, but her friends just laughed and continued their teasing. To change the subject, Barbara brought up their planned sleepover at Fischl's house the next day, which was a Saturday. The girls were all excited about it, and the topic of Venti was soon forgotten.

The next day, after school, the girls had a fun sleepover at Fischl's house. They watched movies, played games, and talked about everything under the sun. The next morning, they decided to go to the beach.

As they arrived at the beach, they were surprised to see some of their classmates there - Aether, Lumine, Albedo, Kaeya, Diluc, and Venti. Barbara was especially surprised to see Venti, but she was also excited to spend the day with him.

Venti, ever the playful one, dragged Barbara to the water. They splashed each other, their laughter echoing across the beach. Amber, Jean, Fischl, and Sucrose soon joined them, and they all had a great time playing in the water.

Meanwhile, Aether, Lumine, Albedo, Kaeya, and Diluc were enjoying the sun, swimming, and chatting. The day was filled with laughter, fun, and camaraderie.

As the sun began to set, painting the sky with hues of orange and pink, the classmates started to leave. Barbara, Jean, Amber, Fischl, and Sucrose decided to head home too. Venti had left a bit earlier, leaving Barbara with a sense of longing.

As they walked home, Barbara couldn't help but smile. Despite the teasing and the surprises, it had been a wonderful day. She looked forward to more such days, filled with friendship, fun, and maybe, just maybe, a bit of romance.

355 words

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