chapter 7

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After a week had passed since Venti's suspension, Barbara was finally able to see him again at school. The anticipation filled her with excitement, eager to reconnect with her dear friend. As the day unfolded, Barbara found herself looking forward to their reunion during PE class, where they were scheduled to play dodgeball.

The dodgeball game began, and Barbara showcased her agility and skill, effortlessly dodging and catching the ball. Her friends cheered her on from the sidelines, impressed by her quick reflexes and strategic moves. As the game progressed, Barbara remained the last player standing from her team.

With determination in her eyes, Barbara aimed and threw the ball, successfully hitting an opponent and securing a victory for her team. The cheers of her friends filled the gymnasium, but it was Venti's congratulatory hug that caused her cheeks to flush a deep shade of red.

Caught off guard by Venti's embrace, Barbara hesitated for a moment before returning the hug, feeling a warmth spread through her. Her friends, Jean, Amber, Sucrose, Lumine, and Fischl, couldn't resist teasing her about the affectionate moment, their playful banter echoing through the locker room.

As the school day came to an end, Barbara felt a tinge of worry about walking home alone. However, her concerns were quickly eased when she spotted Venti approaching her. Concern etched on his face, he offered to accompany her on the journey home.

Grateful for his kind gesture, Barbara happily accepted, feeling a sense of comfort and security in his presence. They walked side by side, engaging in lighthearted conversation and sharing stories about their week apart. The worries that had plagued Barbara earlier disappeared as they strolled together, their laughter filling the air.

Arriving at Barbara's home, she couldn't help but feel a surge of happiness and contentment. The day had been filled with triumph, friendship, and the joy of being reunited with Venti. They bid each other farewell, promising to meet again soon.

As Barbara stepped through her front door, a smile graced her lips. She felt grateful for the friendship she shared with Venti and the moments they had experienced together. The day had reminded her of the strength of their bond and the happiness they brought into each other's lives.

With a heart full of joy, Barbara knew that her friendship with Venti would continue to flourish, bringing them both endless laughter, support, and the comfort of knowing they were never alone.

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