chapter 16

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Barbara's day took an unexpected turn when the announcement for the upcoming prom echoed through the school corridors. Surprised by the news, her heart skipped a beat as she imagined the glitz and glamour of the event. She couldn't help but feel a surge of excitement, longing to experience the magic of prom night.

Eager to share her excitement, Barbara approached her friends Jean, Amber, Sucrose, Lumine, and Fischl, discussing the idea of attending prom together. Their eyes lit up with delight as they agreed to join her on this memorable night.

As the days passed, Barbara found herself in a whirlwind of attention from boys in the school. Many of them approached her, asking if she would accompany them to prom. Grateful for their interest, Barbara kindly declined their offers, explaining that she simply wanted to have fun and enjoy the night without any romantic expectations.

Just as she began to wonder who she would dance with at prom, Venti, with a charming smile, walked towards her. He asked if she would like to go to prom together. Barbara's heart raced with excitement as she gladly accepted his invitation, realizing that he was the one she wanted to share this special night with.

Later that day, Barbara and her friends embarked on a shopping spree to find the perfect dresses for prom. They tried on various styles, laughing and twirling in front of the mirrors. Each girl found a dress that made them feel beautiful and confident.

As they discussed their prom dates, Jean revealed that she would be going with Diluc, while Amber playfully admitted that she hadn't decided yet. Sucrose happily shared that she would be attending with Albedo, and Lumine revealed that she would be going with Childe.

Curiosity got the better of Jean as she turned to Barbara, teasingly asking if she would be attending prom with Venti. Barbara blushed, feeling a mix of embarrassment and excitement. She admitted that she had initially denied her feelings, but now she was looking forward to going to prom with him.

Trying to change the topic, Barbara quickly asked Fischl who she would be going with. With a confident smirk, Fischl declared that she didn't need a date, as she was already fabulous enough to attend prom alone. Laughter filled the air as they playfully teased each other.

As the day came to an end, the girls went their separate ways, their hearts filled with anticipation for the upcoming prom. Barbara couldn't help but wonder how the night would unfold with Venti by her side. She went home, her mind buzzing with excitement and dreams of a magical prom night that awaited her.

Barbara's Adventure In mondstadt HighWhere stories live. Discover now