chapter 7

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Elysia's face was etched with exhaustion and frustration. She has just recovered and not even a day longer, she got attacked

Raven appears beside her, looking at Elysia withdrawn look, her piercing black eyes filled with concern.

Raven says softly, "Elysia, you have come so far. You've defeated countless beasts and grown incredibly strong. But remember, there will always be challenges along your path"

Elysia pauses, a mix of frustration and understanding flickering in her eyes.

"I know, Raven. I understand that my journey is filled with hardships, but can't I catch a break for just a little while? It feels like I'm constantly battling against these creatures, never getting a chance to rest. Even the rest I had was to recover form an injury "

Raven gazed at Elysia, her voice gentle yet firm.   "The path of a warrior often demands sacrifices, but it is in these struggles that we find strength. Every challenge you conquer makes you grow more powerful, both in body and spirit."

Elysia clenches her fists, her frustration slowly turning into determination.

"You're right, Raven. I won't let these beasts bring me down. They may test me, but with each encounter, I become more in tune with the elements that flow through me.",

A gust of wind stirs around them, as if responding to Elysia's newfound resolve.

Raven nods, acknowledging her

"Like the wind that carries our voices in a storm, you command the elements with grace and strength. Embrace this power within you, Elysia, and remember that every battle you face is shaping you into a warrior worthy of the elements."

Elysia takes a deep breath, her expression shifting from frustration to determination, a small smile gracing her lips.

"You're right, Raven, I won't let these beasts defeat me. I'm grateful for my ever-increasing mastery of the elements. It's a sign of progress, and it gives me hope for what lies ahead.

Authors note :

This is just a filler chapter, please excuse the shortness🥺

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