Chapter 26

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As they walked into the dining hall, they witnessed Zephyr giving orders to multiple maid servants as they carried platters of foods from another corridor arranging them on the table at the centre.

Luna eyes notably widened as the maidservants bustled around with food while Elysia also thinking the same thing shared a look.

"Do you th-"Breaking the silence, Luna was interrupted by Zephyr who waa watching them with a fitful glance.

"Welcome" he said with a warm smile, "I was just about to send someone to escort you, How did you manage to find your way here?"

Luna and Elysia shared a knowing glance before Luna spoke

"We have our ways Zephyr but forget about that for now, we're eager to hear how you became a prince and also one we've never heard of "

Zephyrs expression turned thoughtful as he gestured for them to take a seat

"I don't want to make this long, because it's really nothing, I prefer to think more of it has luck.

I'm sure we all know the king loves to take in orphans and take care of them, before giving them to a loving family "

Luna nodded in response but Elysia didnt but now aware of that fact, nodded in comprehension at his words few seconds after Luna's nod

Seeing that, Zephyr continued, "Well I was an orphan, and I just happened to save the kings mother coincidentally when he found out I was an orphan

and to replace that debt, he took me in, and I guess that's also why everyone seem to think I'm their prince although I doubt he's gonna make me king when we're not blood related"

He said with a soft frown at the end but like a light switch, he spoke once again

"So now unto your training "

He gestured at Elysia who looked at him with anticipation

"There's not much I can tell you exactly, so I'm not sure why I'm being asked to train you.

you just need to use your powers frequently but also, truly understand it's not evil, it is yours now, not a borrowed power, and in order not to destroy everything in the castle. The special chamber that was created for me is what you will use."

Elysia certainly didn't know what she expected him to say but she had expected more, more of what, she wasn't sure.

"Now dig in" Zephyr finished with a bright smile, picking up hiss's cutleries and Elysia and Luna didn't hesitate to either, not sure of how long this would last.

Choosing to forget the dead world they had left outside for just a little bit

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