chapter 20

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Waking up groggily, she looks around and sees she's inside a dimly lit cave, looking around and not seeing Raven or Luna. She calls Raven in her mind, "where are you guys"
    Raven responds with shock "Elysia!!, You're awake?" Raven asks in a questioning manner, although confused by her behaviour, Elysia respond with yes.

         It wasn't upto a minute when she saw Luna coming in and Luna seeing Elysia awake , stared  in shock, gaining her bearings , she storms towards Elysia who was still sitting on the floor.

"Elysia! You're awake! I thought... I thought you were..."

Luna's voice breaks as she throws herself into Elysia's arms, embracing her tightly. Elysia, still weak and bewildered, reciprocates the hug, grateful for Luna's presence.

"I'm alive, Luna, we made it, I made it through."

Luna pulls away slightly, smiling through her tears.

"You scared me half to death! Your heart stopped breathing... I thought we had lost you, just when I thought you were safe. I thought the monster had done something to you"

"I'm tougher than I look, Luna"

They share a moment of pure understanding, their bond strengthening Elysia's gaze flickers back to the figure of Raven watching them

"I know I just woke up and we should definitely get some rest but I have something important to do and we need to leave the forest"

Luna looks at Elysia with a questioning look.
"It will soon be daytime, we could just leave then, no need to rush yourself"

A bit surprised that Luna didn't inquire what it is, she figured she was taking a step back since they've just recently started getting close

Elysia thinking about what she said accepted it as a reasonable reason.
She assumed the other elementalist could wait till day break.

resuming her former position, a thought hits her, as if struck by lightning, she stands up and faces Luna

"What about the treasure? What was it and where is it"

She barrages Luna with questions

Luna quickly explains what was in the water.

I know this is short ,  I've been unable to update for a few personal reasons..... sorry y'all..

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