chapter 14

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Elysia gracefully extended her hand, calling upon the forces of nature. The air crackled around her fingertips as a swirling tornado of wind materialized. With a focused gaze, she gestured towards a towering beast lurking in the shadows.

As the beast lunged towards Elysia, baring its jagged fangs, she reacted with lightning speed. The windstorm collided with the creature, spiraling around its body, rendering it momentarily paralyzed. Elysia seized the opportunity, her body dancing fluidly through the air, launching a precise attack, and delivering a lethal blow to the creature's heart.

As the defeated beast slumped to the forest floor, Elysia raised her arms triumphantly, a burst of verdant energy cascading around her. The air hummed with her elemental prowess. In her wake, a pile of vanquished beasts lay sprawled across the forest floor, their menacing forms now lifeless and still.

High above, Raven,circled gracefully in the fuchsia dusk sky. The inn owner had given them directions to the forest they were currently in and since then, Elysia had been fighting the beasts in the forest.

Raven let out a series of rhythmic caws, keeping constant vigilance over the forest's edge, alert for any new threats that may approach.

Elysia surveyed her surroundings, her strategic mind assessing the landscape. She extended her arm once more, commanding the earth beneath her. Roots erupted from the ground, wrapping around the beasts' lifeless forms and hoisting them into the air. With meticulous precision, she deposited the bodies into a solemn pile, where the other beats she had slained laid.

Smiling at Raven, Elysia nodded in appreciation for her watchful eyes above.

As Elysia and Raven ventured deeper into the forest, an eerie growl echoed through the trees, sending a shiver down her spine. Her senses heightened, she crouched low, her elemental energy pulsating within her hands, ready for battle.

Emerging from the shadows, a monstrous beast with gnarled horns and razor-sharp fangs lunged at Elysia. She swiftly sidestepped the attack, her nimble frame barely visible as she evaded the creature's deadly grasp. With a flick of her wrists, she unleashed a torrent of fire from her palms, engulfing the beast in a blazing inferno.

The forest floor shook as another fiend, twice the size of the previous one, charged towards Elysia. Her body wove with an ethereal grace, her elemental powers intensifying. With flickering eyes, she summoned mighty gusts of wind, swirling them around her opponent. The wind grew stronger, whipping leaves and branches into a wild dance. The beast thrashed and roared, but its resistance was futile against Elysia.  Finally, it succumbed, collapsing to the ground in defeat.

Surveying her accomplishments, Elysia shared a silent moment of understanding with Raven, who circled above her. The bird emitted a soft, soothing caw, acknowledging her inner struggles. It was her who reminded Elysia of her greater purpose—the delicate balance between utilizing her powers to survive and protecting the natural world from which they were born.

With her heart heavy yet resolute, Elysia continued her journey through the forest, knowing that she needed the money this beasts could provide if she wanted to do anything worthwhile in the kingdom.

Suddenly, she hears a rustling sound nearby. She swiftly moves towards it, her senses heightened by her connection to nature.

She stumbles upon a girl, with sparkling emerald eyes and raven-black hair.

The girl is dressed in practical leather armor, her bow at the ready. The two girls lock eyes, and they both instantly tense

Elysia seeing this, speaks slowly

"Oh hello, I didn't expect to find anyone else in the forest so soon"

The girl relaxes a bit, lowering her bow, a smile forming on her lips.

"Neither did I. But it seems we both have the same idea – hunting for treasures in this forest."

Elysia walks closer to Luna, her gazes full of curiosity.

"Well yes , sort of, I have certain needs in the kingdom that require financial assistance, so I'm Searching for beasts but I wasn't aware there were treasures in here "

The girls eyes brighten with laughter.

"Well now you know, besides I'm always on the hunt for extra coins as well" she says  as she gestures to her own bow and arrow.

Extending her free arm, she says "I'm Luna", shaking her hand, Elysia responds by saying her name.

"And right there is raven" she says pointing upwards at Raven who was perched up on a tree.

"Nice to meet you Raven"  Luna shouts out and Raven squwaked in response.

"Well that's that" Elysia says awkwardly, "since you're hunting treasure and beast, I guess it would be easier if we worked together"

"Of course, it would be great to have someone who I could talk to" Luna responds kindly

Hearing that, Elysia was about using the roots to entangle the beasts so they continue making their way through the forest when something popped up in her mind.

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