Chapter 27

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Elysia stirred from her slumber as the first light of dawn filtered through the chamber windows. The gentle touch of a maid roused her from her dreams, and she blinked, momentarily disoriented.

"My lady, it is time to rise," the maid said softly, offering a warm smile as she helped Elysia to her feet.

As the maid drew a bath, Elysia let the warm water wash away the remnants of sleep, feeling rejuvenated as she emerged, the scent of lavender clinging to her skin. The maid then presented her with an array of garments, each more exquisite than the last, but with a knowing look, she advised, "Choose something free and easy to move in, my lady."

Bewildered by the maid's cryptic instruction, Elysia made her way to the wardrobe, her fingers grazing the luxurious fabrics. Amidst the silks and velvets, she found a simple yet sturdy ensemble, suitable for movement and combat. As she dressed, a sense of anticipation stirred within her, mingled with a hint of apprehension.

Accompanied by the maid, Elysia made her way through the now almost familiar corridors of the castle, her footsteps echoing softly against the stone floors.

They emerged into a sunlit courtyard, where Zephyr, stood clad in fighting breeches, his gaze fixed on the entrance as if expecting them which he probably was.

Confusion flickered in Elysia's eyes as she approached, her heart quickening with a mixture of uncertainty and determination. "Zephyr, what's going on?" she inquired, her voice betraying a blend of curiosity while raising an eyebrow up.

Zephyr's eyes sparkled with mischief as he looked at Elysia, who was still trying to process what. Was happening

"Elysia, I forgot to mention something crucial about training your powers," Zephyr said with a mischievous grin

"Have you realized using your powers makes you exhausted really fast"

And she nodded quick to that, she could use her powers for longer periods now, better than when she  first got it, but she still got exhausted to the bones after a while of usage.

"Well that's because you need enough stamina to be able to use your powers effectively, I had only realized this when I collapsed from exhaustion in a fight, I hate to remember that day"

Zephyr shuddered while murmuring to himself.

To gain his attention Elysia tapped him on the shoulder and he looked back up to her

Ah, he exclaimed

"Where were we, alright........starting tomorrow, you'll be running five miles around the castle every morning"

Elysia's eyes widened in disbelief, sweat and she shot him a mock glare. "You forgot to tell me that? You're incorrigible, Zephyr," she exclaimed, trying to hide her fear at how much work that was.

Zephyr chuckled at her expression, his laughter echoing through the courtyard. "Don't worry, I'll be right there with you. I'll make sure you won't be alone in your suffering," he teased.

"And that's not all," Zephyr continued, his tone becoming more serious. "I'm also going to train you in sword fighting. Being able to channel your powers through a sword will give you an advantage in most fights"

Elysia's eyes lit up with anticipation. The thought of mastering the art of sword fighting and combining it with her newfound abilities uplifted her spirits. She nodded eagerly, her determination shining through.

"Let's start today with wooden swords," Zephyr suggested, reaching for two practice swords leaning against the wall. "We'll begin with the basics and work our way up. Are you ready, Elysia?"

"Yes" she gave a short reply

"I need you to mirror whatever I'm doing" he said to her, and she nodded in reply, trying to copy him as  best as she could. "Again," Zephyr commanded, his voice firm but encouraging. "Copy my stance, Elysia. You need to build your foundation from the ground up."

They continued the training session for what felt like hours. Elysia struggled to keep up with Zephyr's precise movements, her arms aching and her breath coming in ragged gasps. "I can't do this," she panted, frustration evident in her voice. "It's too much, I need a break."

Zephyr shook his head, his expression unwavering. "Elysia. You need to build your stamina if you want to control your powers. Keep going."

Their argument escalated as Elysia's patience wore thin, and in a fit of anger, she turned to leave.

However, in her haste, she tripped over a loose stone on the ground. Zephyr reacted quickly, reaching out to catch her, but they both tumbled to the ground in a heap.

For a moment, the courtyard echoed with their laughter, the tension from their argument dissipating. As they lay there, Elysia couldn't help but join in Zephyr's infectious laughter, realizing that perhaps the training wasn't as unbearable as she had thought.

As they lay on the cold, hard ground of the courtyard,  The place now quiet from the aftermath of their laughter.

Elysia face flushes beet red when she turns her head and meet Zeohyr watching her, their  breaths mingling in the crisp night air.

Zephyr, unable to resist the magnetic pull between them, leaned in closer.

Elysia's heart raced with anticipation, her senses heightened by the intoxicating proximity of their faces.

Just as Zephyr's lips were about to meet hers, Elysia's eyes widened with panic, and she abruptly stood up, her mind swirling with conflicting emotions. Without a word, she fled back to the safety of the castle, her heart pounding in her chest as she grappled with the overwhelming rush of emotions that threatened to consume her.

This is going to fast, she repeated like a mantra in her head

As she disappeared into the shadows of the castle, Zephyr remained on the ground, his  eyes watching the sky with an unreadable emotion.

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