chapter 25

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Few minutes later as Elysia continued to bask in the softness of her bed, she heard the chambers door get knocked upon and quick with a soft reply to the person at the other end.

It opened  with a slight creak, Elysia already standing, when she saw Luna there peeking around at the interiors of her room, her face breaking into a full smile upon colliding with hers.

Luna walked into the room,  approaching while internally noting that their room were exactly the same just with a few minor colour difference.

Elysia now happy Luna was there sat on the edge of her bed with Luna immitating the same action.

"Have you see any maid", "How do we get to the dining hall" as if on cue, they both spoke with Elysia being the latter.

Quickly discussing both the issue of how to get to the dinning hall, they both sat brainstorming ideas

From what Elysia had seen, the palace was a maze of corridors and grand halls, and the thought of getting lost in it was daunting.

"We have to figure out a plan to get to the dining room before we get lost in this enormous palace," Luna said, her brow furrowed in concentration.

Elysia nodded, her mind already racing with ideas. "I saw a maid passing by earlier. Maybe we could follow her to the dining room," she suggested.

Luna's eyes lit up with excitement. "That's a great idea! We can discreetly follow her from a safe distance and make sure we don't lose track of her."

The girls quickly devised a plan, making sure to remind themselves to memorize the intricate details of the palace's corridors whenever they start to trail whichever maid falls as their victim.

As they made their way out of the room, they spotted a maid walking down the corridor. With a shared glance, Luna and Elysia quietly fell into step behind her, making sure to keep a safe distance to avoid drawing attention.

After a few tense moments of following the maid through the grand halls, they finally arrived at the entrance to the dining room. With a sigh of relief, Luna and Elysia watched as the maid disappeared into the bustling room.

"We made it," Luna whispered, a triumphant smile spreading across her face.

Elysia grinned back, feeling a surge of excitement at the prospect of the great food  and the intriguing company that awaited them.

With one last look at each other, the girls straightened their dresses and entered the dining hall.

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