2Jin moment 33

208 6 0

2032/08/08 - 2032/08/13

After sharing the news with their families, Ahn Yujin and Han Jinyoung turned their attention to informing their respective groups and close friends about the upcoming addition to their family.

First, they gathered with the members of IZ*ONE, the group that Yujin had been a part of. As the members settled in for a meeting, Yujin took a deep breath and shared the news, her eyes shining with happiness and a hint of nervousness.

"Hey, everyone," Yujin began, her voice filled with joy and excitement. "I have some wonderful news to share. Jinyoung and I are expecting a baby."

The room filled with gasps of surprise and excitement as the members of IZ*ONE enveloped Yujin in a flurry of hugs and cheers. Wonyoung, her close friend and groupmate, was especially elated, her eyes sparkling with joy as she embraced Yujin.

"We're so happy for you, Yujin," Eunbi said, her voice filled with genuine happiness. "You're going to be an amazing mother."

As the members of IZ*ONE celebrated the news, Yujin felt overwhelmed by the outpouring of love and support from her friends and colleagues. Their understanding and empathy meant the world to her, especially considering the previous challenges she and Jinyoung had faced.

Next, Yujin and Jinyoung shared the news with the members of IVE, Yujin's current group. As they gathered together for a practice session, Yujin and Jinyoung exchanged a smile before revealing their joyful secret.

"Hey, everyone," Yujin began, her eyes filled with happiness. "I have something wonderful to share. Jinyoung and I are expecting a baby."

The room erupted with cheers and congratulations as the members of IVE surrounded Yujin and Jinyoung, expressing their overwhelming happiness for the couple. Gaeul, enveloped Yujin in a warm embrace, her eyes shining with tears of joy.

"We're all here for you, Yujin," Gaeul said, her voice filled with warmth and support. "We can't wait to meet the newest addition to our IVE family."

Feeling a sense of deep gratitude, Yujin and Jinyoung expressed their thanks to the supportive members of IVE, knowing that they had a strong network of friends and colleagues to lean on as they embarked on this new chapter of their lives.

With Yujin's groups IZ*ONE and IVE informed, Yujin and Jinyoung then shared the exciting news with Jinyoung's close friends and fellow members of MMCH. As they gathered for a meal, Yujin and Jinyoung revealed their joyful secret, and the room filled with elation and warm embraces. The members of MMCH, knowing about Yujin's previous challenges, offered their heartfelt support, expressing their excitement for the growing family.

Finally, they gathered with the members of TXT, Jinyoung's group, and shared the news. The room filled with cheers and hugs as Jinyoung's bandmates expressed their happiness and support for the couple.

Throughout each announcement, Yujin and Jinyoung felt a deep sense of gratitude for the unyielding love and support from their friends, and bandmates. With their network of support, they felt reassured as they embarked on this new and joyous journey.

As the news spread, the members of IZ*ONE and IVE, showered Yujin and Jinyoung with well-wishes, gifts, and thoughtful gestures, creating an atmosphere of excitement and anticipation within the groups. The outpouring of support from their fellow members only strengthened the bond between Yujin, Jinyoung, and their band mates, fostering an environment of camaraderie and love.

Similarly, Jinyoung's close friends from MMCH, including Yoon Jongwon, Hwang Kail, Chou Chao Xiang, Moon NamDo, Jin Tāo Ren, Kim Min Joon, Miyamoto Kangmin, Yang YongHo, and Chung Jung Sun, rallied around the couple, offering their congratulations and unwavering support. Their friendship group, already tight-knit, became a source of comfort and joy for Yujin and Jinyoung as they prepared for the arrival of their little one.

Meanwhile, the members of TXT, Jinyoung's bandmates, embraced the news with open arms, showing their excitement for their friend and his growing family. Their encouragement and support further solidified the bond between the members of TXT, strengthening their camaraderie and creating a sense of unity as they looked forward to welcoming the newest addition to their extended family.

As the days passed, Yujin and Jinyoung cherished the love and encouragement they received from their friends, colleagues, and bandmates. They knew that with their network of support, they were ready to face the joys and challenges of parenthood together, fortified by the unwavering love and camaraderie of those closest to them.

The couple's journey was filled with anticipation and excitement, as they prepared to welcome their new baby into the world, surrounded by the love and support of their cherished friends, and family.

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