Chapter 16.

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I woke up as I felt around the covers and sheets to find nothing other than Miles' absence. I slowly got up to find myself indeed alone in his room. With that being said, to say the least I held on to the covers tightly, just by the simple thought alone that his roommate might've seen us.

I instantly felt goosebumps creeping over me as I felt the door slowly creaking open. I was hesitant at first until I saw who it was. It was Miles with two trays of food. I instantly let out a chuckle, shaking my head at him as he handed me over my tray. It consisted of toast with mashed avocados and hard-boiled eggs.

"Breakfast in bed?"

I said, raising my brow to him, teasing him.

"It must be my lucky day."

He quickly smirked to himself as he took a sip of his morning coffee

"You better eat up, Lu before I do it for you."

He teased back.


I said, as I took a bite of the toast.

"Why you don't like it?"

He said, unsure of himself for a moment

"No not at all, I think Lu is cute for short."

I said softly smiling back to him

We continued to eat as we later departed ways

I went back to the room to change as I found Alma reviewing her task work until she came across me. We both exchanged glances at one another as we continued to do our task at hand.

"I noticed you didn't sleep in your bed last night."

She said as I hesitated, stopped what I was doing briefly, not paying too much attention to her.

"I didn't nor am I planning on staying here for another night."

She slowly smirked to herself as she expected that type of response from me

"I see..Well don't let me stop you."

She said as she continued on letting me be. I quickly went ahead and grabbed the rest of my belongings, which wasn't much, as I headed back to Miles's room. I slowly caved in as I lay myself down onto the bed.

"What has my life become too?"

I said as I laid there questioning it, killing time.

Time literally flew by from that moment on

The council and everyone in its entirety who was involved has given their two cents on those who were selected to plan Exodus. Miles was amongst those who have been selected. Those who were selected had the opportunity to go above ground, whether it's to spy or explore amongst the woods at the damages that were made due to the Capitol expense.

Since it was my idea overall, I had the luxury to do as I pleased. I was allowed to go above ground whenever I felt like it without anyone interfering. I would spend most of my time above ground breathing the crisp cold air. Oh, what a difference it was being outside above ground then being stuck below ground in a cold damp dull, controlled and contained area.

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