The Hotel Room

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You and Oscar are now both in your room. Oscar sees that there is only one double bed instead of two single beds. He calls out to you. "Y/n we have a slight problem." You walk over to Oscar after putting your case at the door. "What is it Oscar?" You notice the double bed. "Oh- i thought you asked for two singles?" 
Oscar looks at you shyly. "I did but they must have ran out. Don't worry about it Y/n, i don't mind sleeping on the floor." You're quite taken back by his comment. "You don't have to do that Oscar, your the one who brought this room." 
Oscar grabs a pillow and balnket from the spare cupboard. "i honestly don't mind. Plus no beautiful girl such as yourself should be sleeping on the floor now should they?"

You blush and take a seat on the bed. "Oscar thank you... it means a lot that you've let me come... i'm really grateful and i know i might say that lot but i can't help it." Oscar chuckles before taking a seat beside you on the bed. He places his hands on his knees. He wanted to hold your hand but he wasn't sure how you would react so he decided against it. He looks at you gently. "Like i have said before Y/n you deserve it all. I don't want to scare you off by saying this but... ever since i saw you, even if you did look like a ghost." He pauses and chuckles. "i've always thought you were beautiful. Every time i see your smile something warm fills me." Oscar stops talking and looks away embarrassed. "Sorry that was very weird."
You move your hand onto his and look down before whispering. "I don't find that weird Oscar. I've wanted to say something similar for a while too... You've made me happy... Something not many people can do. So thank you."

You smile at him before taking away your hand and standing up. You look at him. "I should get into my's almost time for bed." Oscar nods and watches you as you grab your pyjamas and walk into the bathroom. Whilst your changing inside, Oscar constantly has his eyes on the door waiting for you. Once you walk out he stands up and sits down on the floor. You take a seat on the bed and watch as Oscar lays down on the hard floor. After 1 hour you notice that Oscar still isn't asleep and get an idea. You whisper. "Oscar... are you still awake?" Oscar slowly turns his head to look at you. "Yes i am why?" 
"I saw your turning alot.... are you comfortable?" You study his face as Oscar replies. "don't worry y/n i was just struggling to sleep." It was clear that he was lying and you felt bad that he was uncomfortable even though he brought this room. You then whisper again. "Oscar.. would you like to sleep on the bed?" Oscar whispers. "i don't want to invade your personal space."

You move over slightly. "Come on..." Oscar slowly stands up and takes a seat next to you. He faces you staring into your ocean eyes. "Have i ever told you how beautiful your eyes look?" He whispers in a hushed gentle tone. You blush and face away, whispering "Good night Oscar." 
"Goodnight Y/n."
You both fall asleep.

{{Hit And Run}}~~Oscar PiastriWhere stories live. Discover now