Chapter 14

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A/N So sorry about not updating. Friday Wattpad was not working, yesterday was my mom's wedding. Any who here is chapter 14.




Melody P.O.V


When Ryan started her story it shocked me.

 Ryan's Story in Ryan's P.O.V

I was in the yard playing with Damien. He was 8 while I was only 7. We had just gotten our powers. I was trying to use my telekinesis when I hit a little boy with a rock. When I went to apologise My purple eyes met his ice blue ones. He stole my heart at that moment. Through the years we got to know each other and we came to love each other.

When I was 12 and he was 13 he asked me out. We went out for 4 years before he told me soon I would have to marry him so he could be king. After he told me I told him I couldn't and ran out crying. A boy came up to me and made me smile. That day I didn't realise that I had fallen in love again. When Trenton found out that I had fallen in love with Luke he was not happy. He took our parents and locked them up.

They were my rock so when he took them my life fell apart. I was in so much pain mentally. I felt like I needed to be in physical pain too. So I started cutting, nobody knew until Damien found out. He helped me stop and get through it. We became closer as siblings. He approved of Luke the second he met him.

Damien had not found anyone in all that time. Sure girls found him attractive and asked him out. He just always said no. He told me he was waiting for the perfect girl. This morning he told me he found her...................................................................



A/N This chapter was dedicated to all the girls that cut out there. You. Are. BEAUTIFUL!!!!!!!!!!!! :)

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