Journey to Hogwarts

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"It's nice to meet you, Hermoine Granger," Harry said as he shook her hand, he let go and took a seat opposite her before opening his new owls cage and stroking her beak.

"She's a very beautiful owl," Hermione said from over her book.

Harry nodded gently as he smiled at his new companion "She certainly is." He then looked over to Hermione and searched for a cage of any kind but didn't see any.

"Don't all first-years have pets? Where is yours?" Harry asked.

"I believe the proper term for it would be a familiar, but no... I don't have one." She said quite morosely.

"I was told that there is only so much gold that can be given for muggle-born students to get their equipment that familiars are not a priority," Hermione explained.

Harry nodded his head in understanding "So you're a muggleborn..." he said delicately.

Hermione slammed her book shut and gave him a vicious look "Is there a problem with that!" She practically shouted while she didn't mean to be so short-tempered with the boy she'd just met, on a number of different occasions she'd been made fun of and dismissed because she was a muggle-born, a term she didn't even know existed a few months ago. Some had even called her worse things 'Mudblood'.

Harry held his hands up in surrender "Not at all I'm practically a Muggleborn myself, I never knew anything about magic until a few months back." And while this wasn't a lie it wasn't exactly true either as he had been using his magic to exorcise curses for years before he even met another wizard.

"I see... well I apologise for losing my temper a little bit, but it seems that purebloods don't particularly like us very much and I thought you'd be very much the same." She said regrettably.

"I'm guessing a pureblood is someone from a wizarding family." Harry guessed.

Hermione nodded "Muggleborn, Halfblood and Pureblood, those are the different classifications that I've managed to learn about so far," she educated.

"So I guess that would make me a Half-Blood since I have muggle family on my mother's side." He said mostly to himself, though when he caught the pained expression on Hermoine's face he knew he had made a mistake as he remembered what Dumbledore had told him when he was in Diagon Alley.

*Most Muggleborns have no family as the act of awakening their magic attracts curses that more often than not slaughter their entire family*

"I'm sorry... I didn't mean to..."

"It's okay..." Hermione said as she wiped her eyes, though she didn't say anything else as she looked back at her book and started reading again. Harry cursed at himself for being so insensitive, if he was right then she might've only lost her family a few months ago and was now in an entirely unfamiliar world all alone.

'You're such a tosser Potter,' he thought to himself with a sigh as he pulled his book out of his bag, though unlike Hermiones this one was a lot bigger, red with golden inlay, it was the Potter family grimoire, something he hadn't had much chance to read through, though with the long trip he could afford to make some time got it now.

Harry opened the book to the index where he read the different sections, the book seemed to be a lot bigger than was shown. If what he was reading was correct there was a whole section dedicated to the diary entries and personal notes of all previous Potter Lords. But what he was most interested in was one particular section.

*Six Eyes*

It seemed that Harry was born with an extremely rare trait that only presents itself in the Potter family every couple hundred years or so, but when it does present itself the wizard will surely go on to do great things though whether such things are good or evil is up to them. It explained pretty much what Harry had been able to figure out on his own such as the ability to see magic though it seemed he hadn't been using his own eyes properly as the book stated he should be able to see magic on a much smaller scale than he was.

Magic, Curses and Gods Amongst Men || Harry Potter x Jujutsu Kaisen FicWhere stories live. Discover now